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are you gonna stop responding? i don’t wanna read your stupid replies every week 💀


The back, and forths under this post are pretty funny.

Agree to play the game, though, and I'll play the game all the way through, because I only did a bit on Game Pass. Give it 2 hours, set aside your grievances, try having fun, and refund that shit if you don't like it. Agreed? I bought the fucking game, by the way, so if you don't agree, it'll sit in my Steam library for who knows how long, and those 5 dollars will go to waste. This all rides on you, you feel?

my brain is flipping like a rubix cube trying to understand this thought process, what??? why would i care if you bought celeste?

(1 edit)

Now why wouldn't you care? You are the only one who can answer that question.

because i have better things to do than care if some rando on the internet is doing something i personally wouldn’t, or continue to argue in a reply section that’s months, maybe even a year old (i haven’t checked)