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(1 edit) (+2)

I disagree about the Aristocrat, I find it to be an excellent pick. Taken in the first round it nets you $2 profit, second round $1 profit, third round free, and in 4th round it's effectively a $1 purchase. However the real key that makes it worth it is that it's a useful target for interaction with other characters. Not only can it be a target for "flip to guilty" it can soak up a "flip to innocent", it can set up a contrarian, it can be targeted with "repeat that effect", and more. There's great utility in a "free" character to shuffle around.

Aside from that, I game the game is cool and way too short. I've won trials ending with $18 dollars in profit, or even 17(!) innocent votes on the final round (two aristocrat, two twins, two sheriff, a jockey, with aristocrats fueling quite a few store refresh), but the game runs hollow quickly because no progress carries over from trial to trial. Tons of potential to expand the game there.