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Well, well... time for one of the most fascinating publications of this jam...

To begin with, you're crazy. Only a person with good experience can perfectly fit the soundtrack into his detailed story (And I am incredibly surprised by the size and fascination of your story)!

BLUE - Heh... An ambient piano with a choir that sounds like a violin? Cool! I feel the underwater intro... It's like I'm slowly waking up...

DAVE - I'm awake! And everything sounds so beautiful! In this track you can hear the soul, an incredible flow of positivity and a sense of discovery of something new! ... and then dive again...

WAVE - Heh... I love the sound of this song. It's like I'm being given a break)

FLOW - BEAUTIFUL VOICES. (... as well as my favorite rattles). For some reason, I imagined swimming with dolphins on coral reefs (And then I read the description of the track and realized that you were perfectly able to convey these feelings). A small "blackout" at 1:30 sounded like I was given a second to listen to a submarine

SINK - DRUM TIME! ...and also a little magic)

DEEP - We went down deep... I feel the danger... And the epicness of what is happening! There is a sense of confrontation and the fact that all the most valuable things are at stake...

BREATHE - The End? It was beautiful :_)

Your entire soundtrack sounds like the perfect accompaniment for the most vivid scenes from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas... And I love it.

Thanks for the most beautiful 14 minutes of this jam, heh)

P.S. Do you write stories? You're good at making up fairy tales)

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my music and then write such a thoughtful comment! Your close listening picked up on many subtle elements that I was trying to convey in the tracks (for example the dark section at 1:30 in FLOW). I have dabbled in story-writing, but I often find myself most motivated to do so when I get to write the story musically as well. Having the music and the narrative helped inform details about each other, details of the story had to be included in the music, and vice versa. I am glad listening to my soundtrack was a good experience! Once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen!