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I really liked the art direction of the game, but I felt like the camera angle was a bit low? Sometimes made it quite hard to see what was going on. 

(1 edit)

Do you mean that the camera was locked from going lower than it was?
Since the camera could be rotated by rightclicking + dragging. Would you be able to clarify what you mean?

Sorry, I dont mean rotation around the player, I mean the vertical angle, so approaching top down camera. As it is, its parallel with the terrain, which can cause visibility issues if the player is on a hill for example. I hope this screenshot helps. As you can see(or well, cant see), the player  model is behind this tree stump and I am unable to rotate the camera on the Y axis to regain visual. Yes, I could rotate around on the X axis in this case, but not having Y axis rotation removes player freedom in a way that can take the player out of the game when they're focusing more on controlling the camera instead of enjoying the game.

Sorry if this still wasnt clear :(

I see what you mean, the camera lock in the game is very aggressive. I will do what I can to make it work.
I had planned to have the camera collide with terrain and reposition  based on that but time constraints happened!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! I put it on the roadmap :)