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A bit late, but here I am! Let's dive in, shall we? ;)

1) BLUE - Ahh... Immediately I recall why you are my favorite. The quality is always astounding. I also really love how I can read along with the text and have it be perfectly timed. As soon as I read "In the distance, though, she notices indistinct shadowy figures with red eyes darting back and forth just out of clarity", the part at 1:10 started playing a bit more ominously. Do you actually time that stuff? It almost has to be! And the piano full of reverb together with the vocals and such just sound heavenly.

2) DIVE - You definitely nailed that adventurous vibe you were going for! And the underwater plus out of water sound effects work perfectly in tandem with it. And I am starting to like the story more and more too :D

3) WAVE - Before I read it, I thought "this must be a shop theme"! I am still lost as to what makes a shop theme a shop theme, but I am noticing more and more that everyone around me knows exactly what makes it so xD. A short song so now and then is also a welcome change. And the story is really cute, I love this "seeing objects from memories" theme you've got going here.

4) FLOW - I love the vocals here! I immediately felt like the animals were humming alongside me (though they are clearly human voices). It gave it a really cute and hopeful vibe. One of my favorites so far :)

5) SINK - Wow, really cool how you switched to a darker setting. Reading the story that became quite dark suddenly matched the song well. It feels like enemies are approaching, like time is running out, but at the same time... like you will make it. Depressing yet hopeful. Really weird how you always nail those vibes!

6) DEEP - Forget what I said, this one is my favorite so far! I absolutely love this. Again, the text fitted perfectly - "suddenly the sky darkened in the distance" at 0:12 and "using everything she had learned and collected throughout her journey, she fought the snake head-on with a newfound bravery" at 0:35. I love the melodies all the way from 1:24 to 1:39, I love your chord progressions, I love the deep bass, I love the little jittering at 0:34 and 1:58, I just love this one :D

7) BREATHE - Fuck man, your last songs always hit so hard... Or should I say, they hit so deep. The story is simple and so perfect for this soundtrack, you always pull this off. You could have named this TEAR, cause that would be more accurate with our situation here (oh, and that would be in line with the 4-letter thing you've got going). Really awesome!

Also, I like that you chose for capitalized sea-words, all 4 letters long except the last. It makes it both consistent as well as easy for me to explain what song I am discussing :).
I am not gonna lie, listening to your songs is always both a blessing and a curse - I usually think that my songs don't sound so bad until I listen to yours! The difference in quality is just so big. Don't worry, I am not giving up - on the contrary, I'll use your songs as inspiration. Just know that you are exactly who I want to be like (in terms of music skills of course ;).

Until next time!


Gosh, thank you so much for taking the time to listen and leave such an in-depth and thoughtful comment! Regarding the timing of the music with the story, I of course hoped that it would line up as people are reading, if it lined up perfectly for you, that was mostly coincidence! I agree with you about still being unsure about what exactly makes a shop theme, but I’ve noticed that laid-back Latin-inspired grooves are one way to capture the feeling! I really appreciate your notes about DEEP especially since I spent the majority of my time, proportionally, on this track. The jittery sound was actually kind of an accident as I was playing around with automating the high-shelf frequency of the high violin part and I thought it would sound cool as a lead in to the big orchestral hit.

I think it is very natural to compare yourself to other people (I’ve done it countless times in this jam. Even your soundtrack with the smooth adaptive elements in your first track as it smoothly transitions between locations is something that I thought to myself “why didn’t I think of that?”). I think that these jams and this community create such a special opportunity to learn and grow compositionally. Before you look too far ahead, I think it’s always nice to look backward and see how far you’ve come every once in a while. When I listen to my first OST Comp jam submission from the Story of Seasons jam, I can definitely tell the difference in quality compared to now. I can certainly say the same for your music - you have made tremendous leaps forward since the time we started joining the same music jams. Keep going! I’ll be rooting for you all along the way!

Thank you once again, as always, for your support!