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Nick Schuitemaker

A member registered Aug 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow :O, thank you so much!!

I love the deep explanation, and I secretly high-five myself for you not realizing those signature changes (I was hoping for that!).  Because the last section has a mode-change (from minor to major), an instrument-change (well, the strings become pizzicato and become the baseline), and a melody-change, I was afraid that the section would come too much out of the blue, even with my small (and kinda weird) transition before it. Glad it was still enjoyable :)

And, of course, thanks a lot for the compliments :D. I must say, I also really notice our progress since the last 18 months (is it really that long already??). Your last statement, "I can tell you're having fun when you compose", is definitely true - I already loved composing music, but that love started to die a bit when all I could make were bad piano songs. These jams have pushed me further than I ever thought possible, and the great community of these jams, with you shining on top of it, have kept me coming for (apparently) years! While I, back then, didn't even know the difference between a clarinet and an oboe, now I can even add small gimmicks like signature changes that go unnoticed to the common ear!

So, in short, thanks a lot for being here :). I definitely noticed you grow over the years too. I look forward to some more growth, for the both of us. See you in the next one!

Thanks a lot :D. I might try that sometime, adding river or bird sounds. I absolutely LOVE the sound of birds and stuff (oh wait, you already know this, because you yourself added these sounds!), so I think it could really boost my songs. Thank you for the suggestion, and I'm glad my song puts you into a good mood!

Thank you very much! I love minimalist approaches as it doesn't clutter the sheet and my mind as much. A violin is perfect with its pizzicato and legato capabilities :D. I do my best to make the part different enough to not bore, but still make the different parts cohesive - I think I did a decent job here. Thanks again :)

Thanks a lot! It is indeed a sitar (you can download the PDF if you want to be sure about my instruments :). I am glad you like the feeling and chord progressions :D

Dragonthing: Cool bass synth thingies you got there! I remember from OST Composing Jam #6 that you like your synths ;). I think this fits a title screen, but it could also fit in-game as well - for a sneaky mission of sorts perhaps.

The Wilds: I could see this fitting a wasteland theme. At first, at 0:18, I thought that was the alien-dragon communicating with us; I feel like this fits quite nicely. It feels kinda alien.

Swamplands: Simple yet effective. It is nicely slow and dark, fitting the location. I could see this fit different locations as well.

Beast: Oh yes! Fighting an electronic alien beast! This theme fits very well - the electronic synths along with the quick pace fits perfectly for an electronic beast battle. The roughness of the melodic instrumental synth thingy fits greatly too. 0:58 - 1:40 fits nicely too, like a moment to give you time to think about your actions.

Technopolis: There is that alien-dragon-communication sound again! I like that this sound has become the 'alien' sound. The slow pace and reverb-y melody give this a mysterious vibe. Nice one!

Technocrat: I'm so ready for a final battle. As I'm hearing more commonly, the final battle is actually a bit slower than the other beast battle. 2:15 is a very nice addition! And 3:13 is very saddening and has "let's finish this" vibes.

Really cool entries! Though I could see some of the early songs fit different themes as well, all songs have good quality and consistency. It took me a while to listen to them all, but that is to be expected with an entire soundtrack xD. 

I started out composing only piano music. It was terrible... I did not use any reverb or pedal, and I often just plugged in some random chords and expected them to work. Now I seem to have moved into the complete opposite direction: I rarely use piano anymore. Your song is simple and beautiful. It makes me remember that just a piano can sound amazing. A piano can sound soft, but also harsh; it can sound with reverb, or without. This inspires me to make a piano-only composition again! Nice entry, thanks for making it :)

Dragon of Azure Skies: Nice and diverse track. The repetitiveness of the melody does not annoy and is quite catchy even (something I read was your goal). This is a great intro track!

The Tarragon Tarries On: Simple and catchy, fitting a pause song. Nice :)

Wyverns Abounding: A nice overworld theme. From this view, I expect the overworld to be very peaceful and calm, fit for exploring at your own times with your dragon pal. I like the occasional reverse cymbal. It sounds nice!

Dispute Among Drakes: This fits a simple battle very well. The repeating base is very nice, and the switch at 0:46 was very cool. This is definitely my favorite: it is just very well-executed, though quite simple!

Overall, I think you've got some very solid tracks here! They are all diverse, fitting different parts of the game, and they fit their themes very well. The sound quality is nice, the themes catchy (but not annoying after a while), and the dragon theme is present. Great job :D

Aurora Borealis: I liked how it started a bit tribal, and I loved the sweeping synth thingies that were added. It gives this song a mystical aurora-like vibe.

Before the Storm: That subdivision at 1:00 is wacky as hell! I am not sure what you did, but it feels like you took the (3+3+3+3+3+1) division that many use to give 4/4 a wacky division, but you put that '1' in all kinds of weird places. Not sure if that's what you're doing, but I like it :). This song too has something mystical about it. I am curious what kind of chords you use to get that effect. I also like the drums added at 2:02.

Tales of the Skies: I like the static, it almost feels like rain. The instruments feel a bit like some tuned percussion, and the reverb gives it an almost echoing effect. The changing chords with the repeated melody line gives an interesting tense effect (I am still wondering why it doesn't sound false, except when I try it...). I like this song :D

Stargazing: I love the wind effect, this would be perfect for a song on a mountain top or in the skies. The chords are also quite upbeat.

Overall, I really like these songs! You might not be fully satisfied with them, but I notice that your expectations are a bit higher than mine (although mine are rising!). Great job :)

I like that the songs are quite short. This makes it easier and more fun to listen to. Also, I find it kinda funny that you were late to your own jam ;). Can happen of course, it just sounds funny. (Oh, and what is that font you use for your cover? I like it :D)

I thought to myself, "where do I remember the name 'Ray Nexus' from?" And then, when I scrolled through your works, I figured: "It must be from Songtember!" If that is so, it has been a while; good to see you hear :)

I can tell from your artist message that you had little time to make this, which explains the the repetitiveness and simplicity of the songs. Murnai has a great beat to it and a cool melody, but I just wished for some more variations - whether that be new instruments, new melodies, or new chord progressions. The sustained note in the bass gets stale after a while, and you could switch it up by going for alternative baselines. Nest feels really fitting for a mystical dragon environment with the echoing notes and choir. You've got a solid start, but here too, I would love to see more variation. I notice the common pattern of incrementally adding instrumentation, but sadly that often leads to the same chords and melodies playing for the entire duration. A good example of a song that incrementally adds instrumentation but also switches it up so now and then is Deltarune's 'Scarlet Forest'.

Overall, nice entry, and good to see you here again :D

(1 edit)

Your instruments have an old-school quality to them, but sound good though! The choice of instruments works really well too: a form of horn, a flute, a harp, and some strings. They help reinforce the ethereal magical world of  dragons (flute, harp, strings), but also the bad-assness of the dragons (horns). I like the melody and chords, it is nice to listen to. It feels really calm, yet adventurous. I like it :D

(The EDIT was because I accidentally pressed 'tab, space' which caused me to post my comment accidentally.

Ooh, I'd love to hear more chiptune+nature combinations! If you're willing to share it when you're ready (no rush), feel free to send it to me :D

Your music is, as always, delightfully wild and diverse, with plenty of interesting themes and surprises.

The start is very tense yet with some feeling of hope: a great buildup. At 0:48, I did lose track of the beat. But at 0:57 when the other instruments joined, I quickly found it again (and the second listen, I had it immediately). You switch from 4/4 to a form of 6/8 at 1:20, which is funny because you first split your theme in 3+3+3+3+3+1 (=16), and then just proceed to get rid of this final 1 to change time signature. I love time signature switches, so I liked this :)
The OOMPH at 1:37 is sick, and the next part is great with the heavy drums. The instruments fit the theme well, I would say, with the horns, violins, and heavy drums. The chord progressions also work very well. Overall, cool track! Very interesting :D

And I like your choice to "only made 1 song so it's easier and faster to rate :0", though I do like to make a soundtrack of at least 2 songs to play with the interaction (leitmotifs, etc.). As long as all songs are combined of a decent length (such as 3 or 4 minutes), I like it :D

I did not rate everyone's song this time, as I am still exhausted from rating everyone's track from the Spring Tune Jam, but I do rate a small selection of creators I've known for a while - no way I am skipping you ;)

The intro is kinda ethereal, and when the synth joins I get ready for some sick blast...
0:15, that actually made me giggle! What a weird yet somehow decently coherent transition. I would not expect an accordeon or banjo on my journey to ascension, especially given the sacred, holy vibes from the start. But it does add a nice goofiness to the song, which is lovely and well-executed as always.
1:00, this sounds a bit... what is it, Eastern? No, that's not it... Foreign at least, I can't find the word I am looking for. Whatever it is, it sounds nice, that's the point I'm trying to make xD
1:15: this adds a bit of those ethereal vibes back to the song.

Overall, the song sounds great, as always, and I can definitely see that you are trying out new things. The section at 0:15 felt a bit inappropriate to me at first given the buildup at the start, but it does fit the general theme and I did get used to it. Very fun and interesting track, as usual :D

I like the division of the song into two parts (Hanged Man, and Sun); this makes commenting easier and fits given their different nature.

Hanged Man: I love the freeform nature of this song, with slow-downs and diverse sections. It does feel consistent and has a great transition to the next part (Sun). Also, I am always irrationally afraid when I throw a cymbal in my song that people get annoyed by it - you remind me that I was worried for nothing: you bombarded me with cymbals and I loved it! Really cool :)

Sun: Wow, I love the intro! The rise with the drums and synth are really cool. The rest of the song is also quite cool - you nail this 'Rock' vibe, which I couldn't even dream of producing. 

You should be proud of this project, it sounds like it took you a long time to make. Really nice entry :D

I love the beginning: it definitely fits the theme and sounds great! I love (and I mean love) nature sounds, especially combined with music. Also, I think you might be my favorite chiptune artist; many people make chiptune that sounds ugly and old to me, but your chiptune just sounds good (even back at Town Music Jam #2). Great entry :D

Lovely! I have never heard any submission on these jams use vocals only, but I was secretly hoping for one these days. You delivered! It sounds great, really peaceful, like a sacred realm of sorts. Or rather, as a sad goodbye to the Composing Challenges. I also kinda wanted to use as little points as possible, but I am glad I didn't - I would never have beat you anyway! This song is really impressive and a definite keeper, really nice job :)

And indeed... hope to see you in future jams!

(1 edit)

I love your description, and I can definitely relate to the feeling of "plateauing with my music" - I too often don't put effort into researching but just slap some chord progression I know on there and add a melody that follows those notes. So for one, great job trying something new!

I also feel like you succeeded quite well. The bassline and percussion work well and are definitely not "lifeless and slow". The song just feels like you are breaking free from your old self and improving!

PS: I don't mind that it is "a bit short"; I actually find this length about perfect! Not too long, not too short. Many of my songs never make it past 1:30 ;)

That's awesome! I cannot play any instrument well; my only connection to music is my composing. I actually dig the cowbells and woodblocks too - I've used woodblocks a lot in the past to mimic clock sounds (works surprisingly well!). Never heard of a flexatone, but I'll definitely check it out :D

I did play one of the Drawn To Life games on the DS actually! But I cannot remember a single song from that game... You have just given me a reason to play it again :D.

Also, I am glad you like it! Thanks :)

Honestly, it was very refreshing to just listen to a "random" song like this, without having to imagine a theme or expect a progression. I like the simplicity of this, and actually, the themes follow each other up very nicely. They are all diverse yet don't sound off. Also, I love the acoustic guitar! Especially 1:30 onward, it sounds so good and the strumming is lovely (Musescore 3 only has 'arpeggios' which don't really sound like a strum). Great song to end with!

Oh, and I have to ask: did you let triangle be worth -1 coins because you ended up with 16 coins for your instrumentation and did not want to leave an instrument out? You're the boss after all! xD

Exactly as intended! Well, the relaxing I mean, not the old-school rpg vibe ;). Thanks

Thanks :D. Given my abundance of 4/4 songs, I have been experimenting with 6/4 and such, and I found this funny rhythm. I desperately wanted it in my song, but it took me the most time to make a solid transition between the two halves of the song!

Just yesterday I found out that this weird instrument I have been using is called a 'vibraslap'! I am impressed you know it. And thanks for the compliment :D

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it :D

Wow, thanks a lot :D

I could not play your game as I have a Mac, not a Windows, but I just watched the video Superchocolatemilkshake made. I loved the intro! I also always include such an introduction, and I loved the voiceovers you included. The portal idea was quite cool too. And don't worry, I also have the bad tendency to make my games too hard ;)

Thanks a lot Charmie :D

Actually, no, that was not intentional! I used as inspiration only a single online video (something with a dragon) for the instruments, and the theme just developed as I went. Perhaps it is one of those accidental plagiarism cases. Glad you like it :D

Oh, I am interested to hear what it reminds you of - if you remember, feel free to tell me! Given the simplicity in chords and melody I used, I am bound to be similar to someone these days ;). Glad you like my instruments :D

I also love fast-paced songs :D. I had recently heard of the Shakuhachi and felt it fitted the theme well, glad you like the choice!

Thanks a lot :D, glad you like it!

Wow thanks a lot! I appreciate the compliment :)

YOWZERS! As usual, you start off immediately. The main instrument sometimes somehow reminds me of Undertale, not sure why or what. The baseline at the start also reminds me of one of your older songs (after long searching, it proved to be Boneyard Bash, the second entry of yours I have heard, right after Sunset Sands!) As always, you have good-quality sounds, a sick melody line, and plenty of variations to go along with it. It is funny to see you use electronic instruments, as I am not used to hearing that from you (except maybe for ’The Malmechanics of Big Ben’ and maybe ‘Anubis Desert Inferno’?).

Glad to see you’re back, I always enjoy listening to your and Selkione’s banger entries - whether to learn from or just listen to in my free time. :)

Oh, and on a separate note… I may have downloaded all your Melodic Autumn, Spring, Winter, Lux and Nox music; they are really good (though Winter I have yet to listen to)! I especially love the Autumn ones - Cozy Fall Shop is just amazing and Scarlet Woods even has a 4/4 - 3/4 change! And Lost Nomad has been an inspiration for me trying to make Arabic music. And I recognized some of your entries to music jams in there under different names (Sunset Sands, Fossilized Relics, Anubis Battle…) - some even have slight variations in the song.

…God, I am starting to sound like a fan…

Always amazes me how you can turn anything into a sick beat. Felt like a typewriter or printer sound you turned into a theme. I hear plenty of electronic bleeps and doodads, fitting the AI theme. The song got a cool rhythm and flow to it. Like many others, you chose for a surprising upbeat theme. I especially like 0:00 - 0:51, which was just really cool to listen to. It turned almost disco-y for me at 1:06, not sure why I felt that way. And at 1:40, it feels like that is the point that AI surpassed us and turned sentient! The music stops and feels all “discovery”. It looks like it starts to grow darker at 1:47, but then flips it around and goes happy again :D. Really interesting twists you got there!

I don’t want to be that guy that is always positive about your songs just because I like you; I just always really like your songs :)

I like the flute, Celesta and strings (I believe) at the start. It feels really calm, a bit forest-like. But the electronic synths start seeping in from 0:57 onwards, especially at 1:25. I love how the theme is still upbeat and calm, suggesting that the addition of sentient AI does not have to be a bad thing - they can live alongside us and live like us. It is well executed and a nice song, well done :D

It sounds a bit metallic, electronic and minor, which fits the theme. There is little going on melody-wise, but it definitely got potential. This sounds great for an environmental piece - lots of game themes are simple to not distract players - perhaps for a game where someone is moving through an abandoned hallway? Nice entry :)

How cute! The theme is so simple yet wonderful. The chords work really well (is it by chance the -5/+2 progression? Whatever it is, I know it and love it!). And oh wow, I did not expect that drop at 0:46, but it was awesome! The electronic addition to the original violin theme really signifies the addition of electronics. And at 1:10, a sort-of dubstep remix of the original theme, showed to me how the AI could stand on its own, as separate beings. And yet at 2:06 it ended happy and upbeat, waving the AI goodbye as we go back to our own lives, alongside them. Very nice piece :D

Nice sounds! I like the big brass (Tuba, Horn, whatever they are, I cannot hear the difference), and the start sounds really nice. The part at 0:36 - 1:38 is calm and nicely build up, and 1:38 is a refreshing addition. I am impressed by the choice not to use electronic instruments, although it makes the prompt harder to imagine for me. I imagine it starts with a form of fear of the AI, it gets calmer (perhaps because we realize the AI isn’t so bad), just to get worse again as a battle breaks loose between them. Overall, nice entry :D

This song reminds me of when I started out! Piano-only, simple on-beat notes… brings back memories. As you might realize yourself, this makes it a bit simplistic, and the use of piano-only and the same on-beat notes really limits you in expressing the theme. I do like that the song gets progressively darker and louder, especially at 2:45 - this reusing of the same theme does allow you to express downward change nicely. The gong-like sounds at the end are also quite nice. Nice song :D (but if you are like I was, it would help to experiment with using other instruments ;)

Oh, I am a sucker for good-sounding harpsichord sounds (I cannot find any), especially with that beautiful chord progression I love so much. The entry of electronics at 0:49, with the theme being played by some error-prone electronic box, nicely fits the theme and is cool, finishing off with the *beep* sound at the end. Short but sweet! :D