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I’m sorry that you’ve struggled with similar things because that sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone >.< At the same time, I’m also glad that you were able to relate to it in a sense having had those experiences :3 For you to say it’s conveyed in a unique and satisfying way really means a hell of a lot!

I’d be lying if I said I knew what I was doing in a technical sense >.< haha. For the most part, I’m pretty clueless when it comes to that side of things! It maybe sounds a bit weird but I have always felt like I can convey emotions better through music than words, whether that’s my own or those experienced by characters in a project I’m working on.

Heck, I can’t even write without music! It’s like my head is full of ideas with no way to get them out of my head and into a physical form, haha. Music is what helps me express the mess of jumbled-up thoughts and feelings in my head xD

I know I once read that people on the autistic spectrum sometimes view or feel things differently, like certain people tasting colours and stuff. So I guess maybe it falls somewhere under that umbrella of quirks. I do have ASD, after all, haha. Sometimes I go through short involuntary periods of mutism, and when that happens, music is literally the only way I can express myself.

I’m rambling again anyhow x3 As someone who is used to being shunned and always on the outside looking in, the warmth and support of this community have made it feel like getting a giant digital hug of acceptance, and that is worth more than words could ever express :3 

Hearing that you can relate to something that was essentially me screaming in lamentation at past helplessness makes me feel a little bit less alone in the world!

So yeah, thank you for taking the time to listen and leave such a lovely comment :3