I love the animated title screen with the letters moving around the screen, it's like I'm trying to solve a puzzle in the main menu. Anyway getting to my point about the gameplay of Alchemy after Dark, the game has difficulty which I like but it kind of too difficult for me to complete the second floor level, especially when I played on normal. I don't know why the baby difficulty was implemented if I only got a trophy and no real gameplay whatsoever. I felt that the lights were too small for me to see the obstacles that are roaming in one direction to another, I kept running into the obstacles without being aware of them beforehand. The way that this game implements this theme of shadow and alchemy was really well-thought from the start and well-made towards the end of the jam. This entry is solid overall, just work on the difficulty aspect of the game a bit more next time or make some of the light visible outside the player's view radius.