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A member registered Feb 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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Holy moly, this game incredibly amazing. From the game's artwork to the music to the sound effects, the level design, the enemies, obstacles, and even the mechanics. There's nothing that I can say that had bugs or personally that I had problems with. The sword attacking animation is very good and the cooldown time to perform another attack was very cool. I also noticed that there was the options menu where I can adjust the volume sliders around, which is great for accessibility purposes. This game is very solid and very fun to play, what a masterpiece this game despite there is only being 1 level!

TeruelLovers has a nice concept to it because I can control between the 2 characters and kill all kinds of enemies. I somewhat had trouble with pressing my mouse to attack sometimes because of the way the attacking cooldown works. I can still kill enemies without too much trouble but maybe the cooldown was a tad bit too long for me to attack another enemy that is close to me. The score and highscore is a nice feature, especially after I got killed by the enemies. The highscore saves my highest score and I play again to improve my score. Nice job making this game work!

Doppel is a really amazing game concept, usually people never submit a stealth-based game in a jam and this is the first time ever playing one in any game jam. The level design is unbelievably outstanding, I feel like I'm actually in the level while actively trying to avoid the guards who are looking for me. The vision cone is such an amazing add-on to the game and makes it feel like you actually need to be stealthy. The throwing rock system is also very similar to the earlier Farcry games, especially Farcry 1-3. Although, I had trouble getting past the first level because every time I tried to throw the rock to distract the guard and make his vision cone away from my line of path, he would always run up to me and I failed as soon as he saw me. This game is very outstanding as a whole, but maybe the AI guards could us some work though!

I like the game concept right off the bat. I control as an Indonesian woman and an another character who becomes more useful in the later levels that increase in difficulty and calculated approach as to how to get to the next level without falling or hitting any obstacles and enemies. My only problem is that whenever I go to the up arrow to penetrate through the wall, I don't see anything and that's where I fail the level. I'm sure that this game has the potential to be special and with more attention to detail, this will be the best adventure-platformer in this jam. The submission is still very solid, regardless!

The Dullahan Knight is actually kind of hard for me to get past the first level. I mean, this game has some exceptional art and level design. But I feel that I can jump a bit too high for my liking which often times got me killed constantly haha. I immediately love how the first level is supposed to be hard and it's meant to be a testament to the player of how calculated they are to get past some of more difficult levels, other than the first level of course. This submission is very solid, not gonna lie but just fix that bug of me being able to clip through the platform as I jump up. 

This is really a nice game here, I like controlling as a mothman while trying to jump up from platform to platform to get to the top. I've encountered a couple of problems though, why can I jump through the platform instead of ON the platform and I can avoid the enemies on the platform by double jumping onto a platform without an enemy lurking there. About the enemies, they're not necessarily hard to kill but they can chase you and clip through the platform and that's how I got killed. But other than these 2 problems I went through during play, this game has some impressive concept, art, music, and level design. I can see the forest in the background as I jump to the top. Nice job!

This game is lovely, immediately during the 1st season, I was amazed at the game mechanics, the artwork of the game, the level design and the characters too all while trying to build as much soil and wheat as possible. I can also destroy or repair the shrine which is definitely an amazing feature. This game is very solid all-around, very solid entry indeed!

I just played the game, and it has some nice concepts however I wasn't able to attack with my selected character. And also, I can spawn multiple of my chosen characters and get a game over screen almost immediately. Not a bad game overall though. And as a side note, to the people confused about getting past the main menu, press the Enter key.

Broom Craft has some amazing game concepts that led to this amazing gameplay where I can pick up the mushroom ingredients and place them inside the cauldron. It's amazing that when I delivered the 3 mushrooms of the same type to the cauldron, I get a gem and level up. The level up system is a neat feature to have inside the game. Although the performance of the game was a bit of an issue for me, that didn't stop me from giving this game 5 stars in every single category of this jam's ratings. Just a pure journey for me to play this game, and a very solid entry submission!

I really love the concept of this game. Sure, the gameplay is pretty straightforward. Guide the girl around the platformer and reach the cages to unlock them and release the Capivaras. But the artwork and difficulty spike towards the end of my playthrough was really impressively implemented. Nice work as a whole!

This game connects strongly with the theme of this game jam and even the art of the forest too. The music also strongly reflects the theme very well. I like how there are dialogue and some background information as to what's going on in the story. This is a nice game here!

The talking man is me, I am a Game Jam demon in this month 😂

Hey, I just played The Legend of Akio and I love its all-around folklore theme revolved around animal companions and yokai. This game only had 2 controls but they were easy to get used and just admire the attacking animations. Also, this game ramps up in difficulty overtime which I love despite me not being able to beat the level. It's fun to attack the yokai with your animal helping you kill some of them to increase your score. The level up system is also really neat thinking, and made me feel like I was gaining powers. Just an overall great game, 5/5 stars in every area!

Ooh, thank you so much! I finally beat the level, I didn't know the konami code existed back then xD

I read that manual about 60 different times, and still couldn't understand what the up, up and down and down means. Is it like a cheat code or is it puzzle that I missed?

It sure is!

Ratchase is actually a great game despite the difficulties I faced in the first level where the blue ghost came behind me and attacked me along with the enemy that came toward me and also attacked me. The animations and designs are simply amazing. I could also say the same thing about the level design, it has a blend mix of an NES and a GBA feeling to it mainly because of the graphics of the game but I feel that it's just me. The objective of the game was really solid from the beginning, and there is a neat combo and rating stat feature that adds up over time as I kill more enemies. I wish me and my team made a game that is as good as this one. Overall, this is just a masterpiece of a game despite the struggle of getting past the first level initially!

Hey this game is really good overall. I thought the game concept is amazing, where you are a knight and you're trying to kill the ghosts and monsters to achieve the highest score possible. The level design is also really good, it made me feel like this was an NES game. The audio could use some work, mainly the music but the overall sounds effect fit the game's theme and mechanics perfectly, especially the death sound. The attacking animations could also use some work because I feel like I could kill a monster through the walls or the hitbox on the walls isn't set up correctly. But despite these minor issues, I gave this game between 4-5 stars. Impressive work!

Hey, nice job with making the game even though it's a really simple action game. Just hit the normal moles or the special moles that give extra life or a score multiplier increase, and achieve the highest score possible. The concept is also really well thought-out. The audio and graphics are also really nice. This game definitely has that NES feel to it. Great job!

This game is really good, I like it. The fact that I have to dig my way through the platforms around the level made me feel like I am searching for equipment to repair the spaceship at the start of the game. This game definitely has that NES style and feel to it! Overall, this is a great game!

This feels like I'm actually playing an NES controller inside the game. I love the fact there is a balance between the different mechanics in the game and they happen at different times. For example, I have to play a crabby platformer game while hiding the NES controller from mom crab. If I get spotted playing while the door opened and mom saw me playing, it's game over for me xD! Overall, this is a really well made. The concept and design ideas behind this game were top-notch! Great job!

I like the game concept and the overall gameplay with having 2 players fighting against one another with chosen characters. The characters have different attacks, I like it very much. Although, this game doesn't offer much content and could be better in terms of having an indicator of when the attacks are damaging a player because I was confused on how the players get damaged. But overall, this game has really good concept but average gameplay!

This is a nice little game. I like the fact there are 3 different levels and a boss fight, and each level adds up in terms of difficulty and dialogue. There is a bug with the jumping mechanics because sometimes I can jump properly to another platformer, but other times, I can't jump at all and this only affects a few places with stair platforms. I could be wrong there and I'm just bad at the game. As for the graphics, art and audio side of things, they are really good. The platform tiles look amazing, and even the waterfall looks really good too. This is a great game overall!

I just played Pyramid Survivor and it's actually more than impressive you made this game using Godot for the first time. I like the gameplay where you use your sword to kill all the enemies in a wave. There is percentage of enemies defeated in a single wave, and I like the fact it's included in the game. It's also cool that you can upgrade your player for the next wave of enemies to kill. However as I played this game, I noticed I could kill the enemies farther away with sword without the enemies getting too close to me. So, the collisions and hitboxes of the enemies was not properly done. Despite your first time using Godot and making this game, this was really impressively made and it makes it feel like I'm playing an NES game! 

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Hey HugBug or you go by the username of @gohugbug. Listen, your game is simply amazing. I saw your page design right away and I was very shocked and amazed at your masterpiece of a page. The fact that you have a lot of experience in making your pages look that creative and impressive just shows your dedication as a whole. Just pure incredible! Anyway let me get back on track here, I saw your intro before I actually played Diary of Z and I was simply very amazed and I admired looking at the intro in repeat before I even played the actual game. During my playthrough of Diary of Z, I admired how you have the book as a way to immerse the player that they're reading a book and playing the game at the same time. I loved the level design, enemies in the level and the music too. Although, I think the level is too short because after I defeated all the enemies and gotten all the keys, I completed the level with ease. But other than that, I rated your entire game a 5 stars on here, from gameplay wise to your page design, the graphics, audio and just that immersive NES feeling overall. Great job on making this amazing of a game right here!

I played all the 4 games in the Bootleg Collection and I just want to say I enjoyed not just the gameplay of all 4 of the entries but I also enjoyed of the 4 entries were integrated into one collection game for every NES player will enjoy playing. There were some games in the collection that were just straight up difficult like the Dye Hard one because I can't seem to properly steer the snake around where I want to so that the snake can eat the fruit. However, the art, graphics and the audio on each of these entries really made the games look impressive in itself, and definitely has a terrific NES style and feel to each entry. Awesome work FeatureKreep!

Samurai Giaden has some really cool game art and game concept to make this 2D platformer with combat possible. Anyway getting back to the gameplay itself, the gameplay is really good because I really like only being able to move horizontally around the level, jump (holding to jump even higher) and attack. Although, I found 2 problems with this game that made it difficult for me to get past the first level. First, every time I get too close to the enemy I lose health even when the enemy isn't hitting me with their own weapons. And second, I found the controls especially on PC to be very difficult because I have to press on my keyboard while pressing my mouse button just to attack. And even though the enemy shoots projectiles immediately after shooting one already, it added to the game's difficulty which I love even if I couldn't beat this game. This game definitely has an NES platformer feeling to it! Overall, this is a great game despite the issues I encountered during my playthrough!

I just played Track Engineer and the more I played it, the more I loved it. Sure, I struggled to understand what I was supposed to do inside the first level, and I even went to level editor not knowing how to build tracks. But as I played it more, I started to understand that I need to press start to first pick a track tile to place inside the level in less than the said amount. I also love how there is a level editor where players can make their own levels or tracks, if that's what the editor is for. In terms of the game's overall graphics and audio, they are superb. Although I was a bit annoyed repeatedly hearing that level completion sound effect or music that kept looping every like 2 seconds. But other than that, this game was really fun to play despite my initial struggles at understanding the game's objectives and how to actually play the game!

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So far after playing Beat Beet, I actually like the gameplay, the artwork that was done to make this game, the music, the sound effects, and including the pause menu. It's a great idea to have a pause menu where you can modify the music and sound effect volume sliders, and going to the level select screen. Although, I don't know if I was supposed to win the tutorial challenge because I felt like I was mistiming my button press every time the notes come down on the guitar. And then I got transported to a platformer level. I love the fact that this game is an action-adventure platformer, with you trying to find some musicians and impressing them. Also, I feel like the platformer level is too difficult because I kept getting shot at by the submarine notes from below. Everything about the game has an NES style and feel to it, made me feel like I playing a real NES platformer game!

I love this gameplay idea of this game being a beat-em-up kind of game because you fight different enemies along the way. I only encountered 3 enemies and I ended with a score of 200. The fact that I have 3 lives is a perfect idea for the player to have only 3 chances to complete the level. Some people in the comments here are saying having 3 lives is harsh, but to me it's just right. Anyway, the audio and graphics are really good and this game does have that NES style and feel to it. My only problem I found with the game was that the player only has movement animations when I go left or right but doesn't have the up and down moving animations. That nurse was hard to kill xD

I like the gameplay as a whole even though the game is really just 1 level. The art and graphics are really cool and fit the NES style very well. The floaty jump animations are a bit of a pain in the neck for me because sometimes it jumps way too high in the air and other times, it can barely jump above the flying enemies. The audio is also very amazing too. This is a small suggestion: when I complete the level I want to retry the level because I can't restart from the beginning after I complete the level. Nice game!

I actually love this game despite how difficult the first level is for me, anyway. This game feels like an action platformer puzzle where I have to jump on or teleport to another platform and avoid bubbles trying to catch you and cut you to pieces. My problems are that I don't hear any music, but the audio sound effects fit the game's overall theme really well. There's also no restart logic whenever I get caught by the bubbles. These problems haven't stopped me from giving it a 4 stars in terms of gameplay and graphics. I only gave 3 stars for audio simply because I don't know if music is playing in the background or it was never implemented. As for the NES feel, I gave it a good 5 stars because the sound effects and gameplay definitely have an NES feel to it. Nice job overall!

I got to admit the game concept of James Chessbound is really amazing and put together really well into the game itself. The gameplay is also really amazing because it's like an action puzzle kind of game where I have to pick a cursor to go and time it perfectly to avoid the enemies and the water. The graphics and audio fit with the game's theme really well. Although, I had a lot of trouble of getting past level 4 though but I love the difficulty spikes between the levels. It makes the game feel very rewarding to play even if I couldn't complete all 12 levels. Great job!

Tetron is a decent game to me. I feel like it has the potential to be much better than it is. The boxes move too fast and always seem to move towards the ends of the screen, rather than me moving them right where I want to move to. I'm also confused with the game's objectives, am I supposed to connect as many boxes together in one go or connect a certain amount of boxes to increase the score? In general, the gameplay has really cool concept of a puzzle game but just lacks the execution. But I do love the art and audio in this game, it definitely makes the game have an NES feel to it. Just keep practicing using Godot more and you'll make much better games in the future. Good luck! 

This game is really good, has some amazing quality audio and art. The gameplay is really good as well, but the player's shooting animation just feels too slow to me because every time I shoot, I have to look at a certain direction and spam the button instead of shooting diagonally. This game definitely has an amazing NES feel to it, so I gave that aspect alone 5 stars. This was a really great game overall, despite it only being a pre-release build.

I know, it's because my team members weren't able to get the SHIFT input working in-game. I had to work on adding a pause menu at the very last minute before I submitted it, where you can press ENTER for resuming play and SHIFT for quitting to the main menu.

Hey sorry, apparently I didn't think Unity would only build the Windows build version only. I thought it works for MacOS and maybe Linux.

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Sword Man is a very cool game concept and has some lovely art and level design. I like the idea of attacking with the sword to kill various enemies, for example, the skeletons, the ice cream, the dragons, and even the boss fights towards the end of the 3 levels. I love the implementation of the player not being able to play the later levels until they complete the corresponding level that unlocks the next level. I found a couple problems with the game, though. Firstly, the attacking animations as well as the getting hit character animations feel very clunky. Secondly, I can jump through the platform instead of on the platform. And finally, I can't do a lunge attack for some reason.

I know I'm very late to comment, but this game is very amazing. The way you need to jump to avoid enemies is a great idea but initially I was confused on how to jump over the 4 enemies until I realized I needed to speed up the snake. I also love how the high score saves after people play it and register in their score. Also, the story at the beginning was very intriguing to me because of the fact that the obvious choice to make is legs and if I'm not careful, I could lose my legs forever. It was a dark theme to start but I like the idea of alerting the player to be careful while running!  

I like this game because you use your horse to move around and you fling coins up into the air, aiming at the black circles to pay the villagers to build walls and stuff for you. I also like the idea of having different days, like daytime and nighttime. Although, I found a couple of problems as I was playing this game. First, the horse leg movements feel a bit janky to me because it doesn't look like the horse is walking around the level, but it looks like the legs are performing some kind of a dance. Second, when I paid all of the coins to the villagers there's no level completion screen or even some kind of reward to end the game entirely. And third, when I go offscreen, especially when I go far left or far right of the camera bounds, I can't see my horse and I can't see if the game has player boundaries to prevent players from going further. But even with these minor problems, I love the game concept and it definitely as an NES feel to it but the game play aspect of Crown of Castria is pretty mediocre to the say the least. In no means, I'm trying to say this is a bad game, but the execution of the gameplay has to be better in order for players to feel good about playing this game.