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The game feels well-balanced, I felt compelled to optimize my moves to save as much time as possible. I enjoyed spending time thinking a few moves ahead. After getting more used to the gameplay I would have liked to know exactly how many turns I would have left, but I understand the tradeoffs that come with information overload. Another ability I would have liked would be to simply pass the turn so the creature would move on its own. I really like the complexity the creature adds to the puzzle, though I wish I had a better understanding of how it decides to turn. The 5th round of the 4th day is a cool twist, my jaw dropped when I made my first move lol. That's where I gave up though.

I found the controls hard to learn at first, and I would often rotate something the opposite way from what I intended. An undo button, a more explicit "toolbox"-style UI, or more indications in the UI might have helped with this.

I enjoyed the music. It was at once chill but also moody and dark and it complemented the cerebral gameplay. The writing was lovely and evocative.

I think I found a bug, by the way. I completed a puzzle by rotating the creature around using the alembic, but it didn't trigger the victory condition.

Great work! I'd love to see further exploration of the core gameplay!

Thanks for the thoughtful review! I find myself agreeing with a lot of your points. I'm excited to see where we can take this in the future as well!