Why is it that you can start after formatting with more than 0 credits per second without purchasing anything? Also, a temperature increase of 0°C in upgrades is not 0 but rather different values so it should be changed to the actual one. And why do temperature warnings appear every time the number at the top right changes every time it indicates that the system is overcooled/overheated? And there is no 0°C temperature between -0°C (only possible by rounding) and 1°C. There are various findings.
- This will be changed to when you have at least +1% in Next CPS, and then i will see where this change goes!
- Temperature warning will not stop until the temp is between 0-95,
- Yes the value displayed is rounded, this because if the full value is displayed, for example -0.5 or 1.5, it will overlap with other values around it, and it be just a mess of texts. i did not find a solution for this yet!