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Some really solid concepts in here. These pieces are well thought out and developed - kudos! 

My Happy Place is orchestrated really well, great job on arranging this. Nice use of articulations throughout and it is layered well. The interlude in the middle makes for a nice palate cleanser before moving onto the next section, and it has a nice choice of voicing here, making it stand out all the more.

The Princess and the Dragon is a nice departure from the full orchestra, opting for a lower string drone and some playful, whimsical kind of synth line. It does have some interesting SFX that feature prominently throughout that put a spin on the mood and turn that whimsy on its head, changing the mood of the track.

The Hero in the Clouds is interesting - a slow burn of some nice string lines contrasted by some SFX that crescendo into a storm and, again, change the mood entirely. The storm passes and we're treated to a rather ambiguous wind melody. I can't quite figure out how I'm supposed to feel here, and I think I like that - striking the balance with ambiguity is difficult to do and I think it is done well here.

Finally, My Happy Place, is more of a return to form to the first track with some really interesting vocals - the introduction of them makes me think of an airport terminal with how filtered they are, but  they come more into fruition and clearer in the mix after. These are well done - fitting comfortably in the mix and they sound great! Accompaniment below is nicely done and complements the vocals nicely. 

Solid submission - these were a fun listen and well arranged & orchestrated throughout. Nicely done, best of luck!

Thank you so much for the thorough commentary! I have a big smile.  I really appreciate it, and good luck to you as well. <3