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A member registered Dec 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I'm afraid not- thank you for your interest! The only artists I would consider at the moment would be specifically for UI or Visual FX.

I'd love to have you on the team! What's your discord so I can send you a friend request?

I don't currently have reference images, but I was interested in a more traditional/illustrative style or mixed media in particular. Which, from looking at your work, should be compatible. :) I also have some very minimal digital art skills so I could perhaps help out if we don't get other artists on board. I suppose stylistically I admire Slay The Princess- mainly the backgrounds and sketchy style more so than the character design.

Probably a dark color palette and traditional style, perhaps even watercolor and paint, I am open to suggestions.

Do you have a discord account, or could you make one? We are using discord for communications, if you are interested in joining the team. :)

(1 edit)

Basic Description: 

Hi! I'm Biz, composer and team lead here, LF team members to create a sapphic horror monster romance visual novel game. This is my 5th or so jam, and my first go at Spooktober and Monstrous Desires.

Ideally, everybody will contribute to the overall game concept and story, and be invested in it. This game will balance core themes of horror, romance, and existentialism. We are using Ren'py.


You (f) are a newly-turned Lycanthrope, your mortal life stolen away from you. The monster (f) who turned you is trying to keep and corrupt you. Someone from your old life (nb) is trying to save you, but doesn’t realize what you have become. A monster hunter (f) with a long-held grudge against your master is trying to kill you.

Themes: Embracing or struggling against the monster within you. Hiding who/what you are from someone you care about. Enemies to lovers. Kidnapping. Corruption. Escapism. Regret. Existentialism.

Characters & Script Outlining Document


  • 2 Programmers
  • 2 Composers/Sound Designers
  • Co-Writers
  • 4 Voice Actors
  • 4 General Artists

Looking For

  • Sensitivity Readers (Japanese, Hispanic, African American, Native American)

Will Consider

  • UI Artist
  • Visual Effects Artist
  • A Programmer in a decently earlier/later timezone than PST, to max out work time
  • Other

We are especially looking for people excited about the game premise and project as a whole. You can contact me on Discord as bizzybee if you're in the DevTalk server, or otherwise comment here if you have any interest in the project. Thank you!

(3 edits)

Basic Description: 

Hi! I'm Biz, composer and team lead here, LF team members to create a sapphic horror monster romance visual novel game. This is my 5th or so jam, and my first go at Spooktober and Monstrous Desires.

Ideally, everybody will contribute to the overall game concept and story, and be invested in it. This game will balance core themes of horror, romance, and existentialism. We are using Ren'py.


You (f) are a newly-turned Lycanthrope, your mortal life stolen away from you. The monster (f) who turned you is trying to keep and corrupt you. Someone from your old life (nb) is trying to save you, but doesn’t realize what you have become. A monster hunter (f) with a long-held grudge against your master is trying to kill you.

Themes: Embracing or struggling against the monster within you. Hiding who/what you are from someone you care about. Enemies to lovers. Kidnapping. Corruption. Escapism. Regret. Existentialism.

Characters & Script Outlining Document


  • 2 Programmers
  • 2 Composers/Sound Designers
  • Co-Writers
  • 4 Voice Actors
  • 4 General Artists

Looking For

  • Sensitivity Readers (Japanese, Hispanic, African American, Native American)

Will Consider

  • UI Artist
  • Visual Effects Artist
  • A Programmer in a decently earlier/later timezone than PST, to max out work time
  • Other

We are especially looking for people excited about the game premise and project as a whole. You can contact me on Discord as bizzybee if you're in the DevTalk server, or otherwise comment here if you have any interest in the project. Thank you!

Fun little game, music is good but I feel it doesn't really fit the mood of the game. Slight spelling issue at the end screen using "off" instead of "of". It's fun to play though, good simple gaming loop. :) I feel silly fueling the bricks that are inevitably going to murder me. :P

I want to name my firstborn child after this game. Good thing I'm not having kids.

rock on

Thank you! I was inspired by Doom, I'm glad you like the music. Thanks for taking the time to play and give your thoughts, I really appreciate it. <3

What an impressive entry! The battle sound effects are so amusing, and the music fits in well with the environments. Graphics are cute and creepy. The death cutscene is particularly cool. NPC dialogue is very ambitious for the timeframe. Reminds me of games like Undertale and Omori. You should be super proud of this submission, great job!

Not really sure what's going on or what I'm supposed to do- some guidelines in the description would be helpful. :) Cool little UI and interesting looking art concept.

Charming little game! I enjoyed going through the puzzles, I do wish the rising water towards the end was faster, that one didn't seem like much of a challenge. I enjoyed the spooky audio atmosphere, SFX fit well. Great job with a two-person team! 

Lovely peaceful soundtrack, all of the SFX fits in naturally as well. A bit frustrating haha but fun. I  wish jump was spacebar instead of W, as that's more standard and natural. The page art is very impressive, and overall everything looks good in-game as well.  Love the creative blurb, that extra effort goes a long way. Excellent submission!

Thank you so much for the thorough commentary! I have a big smile.  I really appreciate it, and good luck to you as well. <3

Indeed, thank you! I really enjoy adding sound design / sfx elements to music to really relate it back to its purpose/context, and it has made me really happy to see a few people commenting on it. Funny enough, I usually only really consume horror games/media through secondhand experiences like play-throughs, but I really love composing for that genre, there's something so simple yet expressive about it. Probably also has to do with my value in music making the listener feel something.

Have a happy day yourself. :)

If you still have some time, I'd really appreciate you checking out my submission. Link for ease of access:
Regardless, thank you and good luck!

My Dream - 

The beginning feels a bit sudden. I like the simplistic idea you mentioned with the 3 notes branching out. The more dissonant/minor sections clash with the intended "fun" feeling I think. I would have started with a "happier" sounding trio of notes, as I think this track sounds a little more creepy than intended. Lovely soft section at 2:07. Very cute little piano run at the end, I love that.

My Nightmare - 

I like the use of pauses/silence. Cool downward scales at 0:28. The low string line at 0:43 has a good feel to it. I do think it gets too major/happy-sounding for a moment there considering this is a track about nightmares. The section at about 1:20 is really interesting, I like the back and forth, and the dissonance. 

Both of the tracks were fairly interesting and kept my attention. Plenty of potential here. Congrats on your submission and getting in some good practice! Keep at it. :)

"Inside My Mind" - 

Lovely intro. I think the reverb is a bit heavy, but I do like the intended feel. It really comes together when the high piano comes in. The way the track opens up with the strings at 1:39 is really interesting. Great drop off to feature the low and high piano again. I think a fade out might have worked better than the more sudden ending.

"Mindspace" - 

Very different instrumental feel at the beginning. There's an odd rushing feeling to it, like the tempo might not be completely in sync. Interesting textures and synth melody. The vocal synths and drum sit very well when they first come in, but mixing feels a little off when the strings add in. Good with the piano after though, and admittedly the second time the strings are over those drums it sits better, maybe it's a very subtle thing. Love the synth melody and string feel that comes after that section. I really think more of the track should connect to this section- it's very lovely! Overall the track seems a bit all over the place, without a central feel to it. At the end it feels a bit unsatisfying.

"An Old Friend" - 

Lovely piano intro. Piano is a great instrument to represent memory, in my opinion. I feel like the strings would sit better more distant in the mix, maybe a little quieter and with more reverb. I can't decide if I like the tiny, high pitched toy piano sounding melody that comes between the main piano melody, but the dip down lower after is fantastic. The strings seem to sit better in the mix this next time they come in. The rhythmic build here with them is great, the slow rise in intensity really helps the sound reach a climax sort of feel. I like the toy sounding piano more this time, less crowded by the prior piano melody around it. Really lovely ambient feel here, it's warm and comforting. We're really in the stride of the piece in the last minute of it. OOO, lovely double melody at the end. Probably the strongest ending I've heard so far.

"Dreamtown" -

Retro sounding, vaguely reminds me of a pokemon town theme for a second there. Slight spooky air to it, which fits the empty feel that's intended. Lovely chord at the end, I'm surprised it ends there, I expected it to go on.

"Repressed Memories" - 

I like the dark synth here off the bat, I think it fits the title. Heartbeat is always a great way to bring in a horror feel. I like that breathing sounding synth that comes in on the chord. Really like the turn at about 2 minutes in. Feeling like a downward spiral when we get back in at 2:30, I like that subtle buildup. I would appreciate a crescendo over this section to really add to that feeling. I feel like the string synth here could be much more subtle. Solid ending return to that dark synth.

Piano is a lovely instrument, and it was a pleasure listening to an OST that so heavily featured it. :) I also really appreciate the breakdown of the game concept and the meaning of each track- great creativity. There's a lot of great moments in these tracks. Congrats on your first composition jam! I too had to face a lot of restrictions with my time during the Jam week, so I feel you there. Everything considered, you should be proud of what you've done, and I hope you find my feedback helpful. <3

Aww, thank you so much!! What a lovely comment, I'm not even sure what to say. Thank you thank you. <3

Great ambience off the bat. The choir and string quality is excellent. The light water SFX is very well balanced. Wow, huge turn in the music, really gives that epic feel. Wide variety of instrumentation and feelings. Really great track, the fade out of the synth at the end feels a little off to me, I think it would sound better if it was solo piano at the very end, but that's subjective.

Sea Frog
Great intro, great underwater feel. SO groovy! Sounds like a great track for a level. Overall just impressive, so many moving parts, so energetic and wacky. A good tune.

abyss eyes
Ooo, great contrast to the other tracks here. A more creepy feeling, so very ambient, love the distance/reverb/muddyness of everything. Then it feels like it "shines", like light cutting through water. I appreciate how it's a bit more minimal than the other tracks, which in my opinion is great for a more horror-esque feeling.

Final Breath
Good build up, though it doesn't have the underwater feel the others have, though perhaps that's intentional based on the title? Excellent epic sections, composition-wise I feel it is very well done, but I would say it's the weakest track compared to the others. It doesn't feel as fleshed out, and I don't feel the core theme of it quite as much.

I wish there was more description of the game itself and how you visualize each track within it, what they represent, as I feel that would really improve the listening experience and give something else to connect feedback to. The creativity when it comes to the game idea is something that I personally value. The idea was very straightforward, and I feel you could push yourself when it comes to this aspect should you do this or a similar jam in the future.

That aside, the composition and mixing here is very impressive in my opinion.  Musically, you seem very skilled! You should be proud of this submission. Best of luck to you. <3

Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate the kind comment. <3

I definitely struggle with monitoring the volume of tracks so that's something I'm going to focus on in the future, thank you! 

I used a blue snowball microphone which isn't top of the line, but gets the job done for my purposes at the moment. I really appreciate you commenting on the vocals, as that was particularly personal for me. Thanks again, have a great day. :)

Thank you! I definitely need to work more on volume and balancing in general, I appreciate the feedback.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much, I am so happy to hear that my submission meant something to you, that's all I could ever ask for. I created this from a place of personal experience, and I really appreciate you sharing that. Have a lovely day, you lovely person. <3

The Mansion-
The shrill piano is excellent for getting across the fearful feeling you were trying to capture, along with the short, low strings that come in later on. Personally when it comes to fearful/horror music I tend to prefer a more open arrangement, so I found the groovy beat a bit distracting from the intended feeling- but for an exciting game level, I can understand the draw there.

The Street-
The vocal synth adds a nice ambience. Lots of interesting parts drawing the ear's attention. Like the little running piano motif that returns from the first piece. The crunchy bits add to a very appropriate industrial vibe.

The Lake-
Ooo, a really good shift into that stillness feeling. It definitely feels like the calm in the storm. I will say that while I found the other two a bit heavy in instrumentation, that helps this track to stand out against them, and that's a great contrast. I like how there's this build of desperation at the end to hold on to the memories, and I appreciate the sense of struggle between joy and that desperate gripping feeling. Again, I notice the downward repeating piano motif throughout. The reversing sounds at the end- perfect for the theme of looking on the past. 

The Hall-
The start feels like a great climax of conflict feel after The Lake. That being said, after the beginning it sounds more understated than I would expect. I would expect it to be bigger and more devastating, probably swapping it with the energy that the first piece had. I don't get the sense of "self-destruction". I will say I notice it is very repetitive, which could represent getting stuck in a pattern, which I appreciate.

The End-
I notice the reversals and light piano from The Lake. Heartbeat, clearly representing "weigh(ing) heavy on the heart". A lot of back and forth between a bright happy sound and the more uncomfortable creepy tone.  I think I wish there was more of a bittersweet vibe here, rather than creepy/unsettling. Love the little happy ending cadence that goes back into the heartbeat.

Love how you had smooth transitions between each piece. Overall there was a lot of talent and passion in all of the tracks. I was impressed with the control of harmony and dissonance. It sounded well put together and flowed well, very cohesive, which can be hard to manage within a limited timeframe. Great job!

Thank you! :)

Thank you so much! I had a very busy week and I wish I could have put more work into it.  Your feedback is super appreciated and brings me a ton of joy. <3