1. Follow the Ghost - Really nice ambience with panning effects. I like the ocean waves sound you used. It feels creepy but also a little lonely.
2 Coral Town - Some cool flute clarinet duo. My favorite part was the piano feature at the end. I think the high piano notes were better at cutting through the mix.
3. Cephalopod Shuffle Jazzy! - I really liked the choice of instruments and style. Very square-dance like
4. The village atop a whale - Nice Whales :)
5. Dolphin Taxi - Cool sax solo. The running arpeggios and driving baseline give a lot of fitting energy to the piece.
6. Nephropus, King of the Lobsters - Super fitting instrument choices with harpsichord (?) and snare drums giving the piece a very "royal" flavor. One critic--I think you could have made the track fit a bit better with the militant theme. The snare drum is there, but it feels a bit too chill and.
7. Sunken Mausoleum - The sound design is on point. The church bells and choir give a somber funeral feeling fitting for the father.
8. Farewell Father - interesting harmonization. Liked your use of leitmotifs.
overall a Fantastic submission. There was a good mix of atmospheric and catchy songs that kept me engaged; however all the tracks felt like they belonged together. Some great sound-design. The length of the soundtrack is impressive too.
excellent work!