Titled: I really like the chord progression! The Lydian Dominant feel isn't as strong as it could be to me however, as the II-v also kind of feels like a V-i. But I definitely still feel it. A melody would have helped reinforce the Lydian Dominant feel, but I understand that its meant to be an ambient track.
Just a girl: Cute track! Love the Lydian feel.
Computering...: Your progressions are so cool. I too enjoy chromatic mediants!
Don't go phishing!: Love the ii-V-I and then the chromatic movement back down to the minor tonic.
If I got a wish...: Trumpet! Again I like the progression.
The Funkwork Network: Funky! Great bassline.
Ur g0nNa L05e tH1s: Crazy crazy time signature and rhythm! I like the story attached to the track.
Great work!