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Nothing from my mod interferes with your code. I just add a  few items, that's it. You can easily see it for yourself.

And yes, I did start a 100% fresh install (again), after deleting EVERYTHING, the app data Strive and normal strive folder and re-downlaoding ARCIS0.8.  And for some reason the mod isn't fully applied. Most of what is in arcis and gets copied to the and in the main game folder, but not all. The originsarray for example wasn't there, nor was the atypical icon path. Naturally, this breaks the end turn if you have an atypical slave, during luxury calculations.

But what's even stranger is that even after I manually put those in, the game still can't find them. The only explanation I can think off is that if globals aren't properly initialized, the save game is ruined, as adding them after does nothing.

What I can try is a compeltly new game.

Oh, one more question - your globals and person are ADDED to the stock ones, they do not overwrite them as far as I can see (looking at the line numbers, at least it seems that way for globals), right?

If all else fails, maybe someone can forward their scripts folder after succesfull install?