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A member registered Nov 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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1. Shower/grower slider in character creation. Determines size of flaccid PP.

2. a new penis model with physics. You can get away with more detailed meshes, as there is never going to be more than 4 charactes on screen.

3. More traits/skills/fetishes that alter damage given/taken. Part sensitivity doesn't seem to have much effect (it should affect arousal weather giving or taking). For example giving/taking oral. Submissive/dominant,etc..

Your games are great. Would love if I could support you somewhere other than patreon.

Also, I have a detailed penis + cum model I'd like to give to you. Planned to add it to the game, but I can't get it to work for some reason (others work), be a shame for it to go to waste. Do whatever (blender + glb):

If you want something done you have to do it I did.

2 smaller penises and a smaller dog dick.

I think you can get them on LL too

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I see penis is locked at 0.8. I'm trying to make a petite girl wit tiny pp,  but I find it's too big. I found a mod with more penises, but internet has rotted peoples brains because the "small" one is bigger than game standard and others are so big they clip trough everything and don't even fit properly on the character.

What do?

EDIT: solution below

I have to check, but I think I deleted them all. Game is almost completed and all mods are moving with it . Little sense to keep them around.

Pretty much.

A shame really, as I liked the plot of this. Alas, I'm not a good 2D artist, bu prefer 3D, so I moved on to using Unity and onto other projects.  Maybe one day...

The entire project is uncrypted so it's fully up to grabs..

Futamod for 1.4 now up

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FUTA MOD - adds futa shrooms, as well as new enemeis. Collection of Curiosities required.

PALADINS MIGHT - new items

I hope it isn't Bells route. I hate extremist content and inflation of assets, be it boobs or dicks. There better be an option to keep boobs/dicks tiny or normal-sized.

I also HATE the big boobs = lots of milk myth that almost everyone seems to believe these days. It's so easily disproven. Modern education has failed.

A futa IS a woman.. .with a clit-dick. So technically still a woman. If it doesn't have a vagina then it's not, but someone slipping in trans/shemale under the tag. Also, it's not gay if it's futa on woman. It's very gay if it's futa on man.

@LillieX - intersex isn't really futa. Futa doesn't exist in RL. No existing hemophrodite is like a futa. Tough a futa is technically a hemaphrodite, the reverse doesn't hold true.

A lot of thing these days is labeled futa that isn't really futa (trans, shemales,traps), so  I can understand where you're coming from. The world has gone loco, I wish to go back to the old days, where searching for futa yielded actual futas.

When will Belle finally get more scenes? Her in futa mode and the other cowgirls? Her and player? pregnancy?

Or Alissa and Cassie (dungeon) sex?

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Here you go EroPixel: some different weapon graphics for the game. Added greatswords as a bonus (in case you add Paladin as a class)

Not all categories have a full set, I haven't gotten around to everything.

Since character have weapon skills, how about tying weapon use to it? If a mage puts points in sword, they can use sword, etc..

Weapon level could be tied to skill level (So sword lvl1 mean you can only use basic sword)

more enemy varations- female bandits and fallen angels. Actual wolves?

How is progress on episode 2?

I heard Alpha14 will be futa and males. I advise you to pace yourself. Males are a LOT harder to implement (relative to what you already have), given that they all need their own set of clothing and separate animation (because different skeletons), while a futa would share 99% with a female

So chains and collars do nothing?

I think the required herbs can be random. I'd have to check but I THINK my quest logs mentions different color.

I still haven't been able to get potions for making dick/breasts smaller. About the only quest I haven't done is flower collection, since I just can't seem to find the required flowers.

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I think there is a bug with working.ATM it seems I can only put corrupted people to work (exct shopkeeper).

And I cannot purify anyone. Only one person shows up in the list?

to be precise, most town buildings crash when tryint to enter them.  Seems feminization is to blame? Jsut found one cna "fix" it by leaving it on

crash on trying to enter guild

both are weird asf.

If I had to choose which is more disgusting, I'd be hard pressed, but I think I'd select ass pregnancy, because anything sexual connected to ass is s***.

Fallen angels aren't planned? Aren't they the only way to get demon essence ATM (for the witch hut quests)? I have found no other enemy in the game that drops it. There some black cloaked demon in the forest sometimes, but I can't fight those

And to add to suggestions;

new skills:  booty call (targets self, makes user more likely to be attacked by sex attacks)

tease (targets enemy, puts in horny state for X turns)

taunt (targets enemy, enemy will target user for X turns)

- Expand weapon selection (by that I mean less class restriction on weapon. A class might have more than 1 valid weapon. Some classes more than others)

- each weapon comes with a special skill/ability/passive? Range might come into play. Longer reach/range weapons meaning you go faster in turn order.

- atm, female party is superior because with males you cannot get kids from monsters. So I would suggest that party members with a penis can impregnate female enemies, and at the end of the battle you can choose to capture them. You could also have it that that is only available i the enemy is defeated trough sex? For every captive your party uses 1 more food/water, until they reach town. The captives are placed in town and later you get their kids.

- fallen angels are really weak as an enemy encounter. Also, instead of random spawn, make it so they will always spawn in a certain area.

- some flowers are REALLY hard to find. I've been playing for ages and still no purple flower, for example.

- Is there a potion/item to REDUCE breasts/dick? The shrooms just make them bigger.


more classes. Like paladin (smite oriented, with greatsword/zweihander)

A bit easier to get dick/boobshroom. Also potions to reverse effect (make dick/boobs smaller)

parent names in character/children info

option to turn off anal (so characters never use it)

More logic with sex actions and enemies. Do enemies have specific genders, since I've seen enemies that can be sexed (dick/vagina) with both males and females. Make sense for something like slimes.

If finishing a female monster with a dick, it can spawn a hybrid in the wild? (in other words, enemies can also get pregnant)

I used to be able to make virgin pens (keep virgin monstergirls in one long as there was no penis involved), but now ANY sexual interaction seems to remove virginity..

Am I going crazy? Misremembering? Is the only way to keep virginity individual pens now?

Will EVERY character be a futa or will there also be normal women you encounter?

No balls options?

Way to avoid/skip anal scenes?

It's a compressed file.  Use Winrar, or WinZip or 7Zip to uncompress it.

Will there be any futa added (preferrably no-balls)?

It's a town of magic filled with demons, possesion, transformations... a futa spell/scene/event - even if it's a one-off - would be nice. For example, you could find and research an ancient tome with Evie and it temporarily transforms one of you into a futa, and from then on you could use it when visiting her. Opens possible applications later.

Fawn would domme her. Probably.

Here's to hoping. Walking into Belle, with her head resting on a pillow of cowgirl booba, while another cowgril rides her with her boobs in Belle's face until she shudders in climax,  commenting how her loads have been getting bigger and bigger and she might have gotten her pregnant.... hot as hell.

Bell becoming a lot more popular among the cowgirls there. Becoming a breeding stud (especially if you don't have any bulls on the farm)

Another nitpick - training/simulation increases your submission/corruption. It probably should not.

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I noticed one issue - futa dick dissapearing whne using F/F animations. Make sense for dildos, not for a dick.

Also, a better way to implement a dick would be to have the skeleton have dick bones (which would not be weighted on the female, but weighted on the dick object, which should be treated as part of the body).

Optionally, you have have 2 meshes, one female, one futa, so there is no seems and it would look way more natural/better.

another suggestion - slider for proportion of active/passive enemies.

Also,simulation/training - should it increase submission/corruption? Should there also be ways to decrease it?

Cassie has no dick growth option? Are you mixing names up?

I just want to see more sexual interaction between the girls.

For Rinny, she's a sucubuss, should be easy.

Fawn is into kinky stuff, so she'd be on board.

Cassie might need talking into

Belle is easy enough to push around, he reaction would be priceless.

Alyssa is.... an enigma

I think I have that disabled already. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I can swear some NPCs still have balls.

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I'm not talking about player, but NPC's. Rinny, Fawn, etc...