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I'm sorry to hear this. I had been testing this in Opera and had minimal issues. I have just accessed it in Chrome and it looks like it takes about a minute to load up from the character selection screen. The game should respond to inputs once the game has finished loading. I'll be looking to see if I can improve the loading times in a future release, and also include a downloadable version post game jam.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention



Tried again today, and on Chrome game started receiving inputs a couple minutes.

Game feels quite hard to control - you move to quickly, and not stop immediately after releasing a button. This together with punishing hitboxes and one-hit game over makes it too challenging.

A little more feedback after game over would also be appreciated. Instead of immediately cutting to main menu you could have a little animation of the player crashing. Or add some themed flavor text on “game over” screen, like those message boxes you use.

My apologies for not being able to get back to you sooner. I'm glad the game was able to load for you! I really appreciate this feedback and I have been working on a lot of these changes. The inertia effect is slightly reduced for other ships, but it is still something I am looking in to. Previous movement felt too arcade like, so I'm looking for a balance between the two.

I have reshaped the hitboxes and added 3 lives, as well as slowing the levels down slightly as well.  I will be looking to add a game over type effect shortly as I have recently finished how the in game dialogue works to add more character and feedback.

Take care,
