so I love how much smoother the game feels, and I can run it without hearing my computer fans start to roar as soon as I open it.
I found the ball maze game fun to do and as soon as I figured out how to turn the maze properly it was simple and enjoyable. I couldn’t pick up the key though, but I could examine it.
Possible tape duplication glitch as I would keep getting an extra tape whenever I took it out of the vcr and ended up with multiples of the same tape.
Slight collision issues on the side rooms on floor five, but I don’t know if those are intended or not as I just fall through the floor when walking into them.
Made a manual save at the start of the room but as soon as I load it the screen just stays grey for at least 14 mins before I decided to just close the game and reopen it.
I can’t access floor six and since the button is red I’m going to assume that’s in purpose.
Clearly a showcase build but I enjoyed looking at all the assets and wondering what they would go to, and the optimization makes me excited for the final product.