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A member registered Jul 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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Probably at the end of the year. I still need to update her textures and get her rig up to the standard I set for the characters.

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The 2.1 is currently 6 stages with passive NPCs. The focus was on updating every single character model, expanding the accident system and lipsyncing then optimizing the game so it takes less space and runs better (minus ginny's area which is currently getting improved) 

Hostile enemies and larger areas are coming back in 2.2.

You can't run the game within 7zip. Please extract the game folder to your primary hard drive and run the .exe from there.

That's one of the known issues with the build actually.

The lighting was updated on Ginnys mansion however two of the prefabs received bad settings causing performance issues. I recently corrected That and rebaked the whole scene. it will be less demanding next release.

Come on now. That was a feature, not a bug.

the webpage can be hit or miss. Download the app or try

just dm me on Twitter/fa or email me 

It's coming back either this Halloween build or the one that follows. 

I just reimburse you when you DM me with the email account you used on paypal.

yes, but my focus is going to be on map and gameplay work for the next month or so.

The heck? It shouldn't be denying you access on the app. Just send me a dm if the "I already own this game" button doesn't appear.

nah, it's just the browser being silly either download the app or go to your games page under your account to get around that.

I don't know anymore as it's been 8 years. If memory serves there should be something you can pick up at pinkie's place to get to rarity which is needed to get to day 2 where you are tasked into entering the everfree is silly sometimes and doesn't update the buy buttom to download despite owning it. You either have to download the app here or you go to the game page and click the already own the game hyperlink or just send me your email on a dm

Just the mlp Halloween parody games and the mlp short adventure point and click have a few scenes. There was talk about sneaking in a fail scene to willing players in Soggy Horror and the early in the works depravity quest reboot since the baddies do have a shape key for that kinda thing but I am a ways off from adding Easter-eggs like that currently.

Yeah, the initial load is going to be rough on some computers since the game is launching on a map that really should not be loaded during the game's launch. Glad you got the demo working.

Some are original, however a good amount of them are from the packs Rexam and baxxter did.

the new stage is quite a bit more demanding then the showcase build and it's forced to load on launch rather then being setup normally from the games loading scene. Sounds like your PC crashed before all the assets were loaded in on boot.

The release version won't have to deal with having to launch a dense map on launch and I am going to cut down some of the fat on the map in question.

the potential is already there with the particle effect on floor 4 and the accident scripts but its currently not implemented in any scenes

just dm me on twitter or fa with the email you used to purchase it or some other proof

dm me with the email you used to purchase the game. I ham not sure why itch is having trouble on some account but its an easy resolution

DM me and I will verify and send a new code

back up a bit then jump and hold forward. I will likely adjust it later but for the time being you do bouce a little off a surface on collission.

Yeah, ha. Collisions at the side rooms are actually not at all implemented on floor 5 and trying to enter them might lead to a bit of a surprise. Duplication glitch on the vcr is just a simple typo and you aren't intended to pick up the key yet on the completed minigame. Saving won't work on the test build.

yes, the cultist messing will return. I actually disabled the scripts on most of the NPCs for dev purposed on the test.

Here is the old alpha 1.1 version

I am currently optimizing 2.1 before I go ahead and add my finishing touches. It will be a few weeks giving how things are in my life right now.

I have been working on it whenever I can. I appreciate everyone's patience on it and I plan to compile one of the tests we do during our work streams soon.

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Sorry, no there was a heavily WIP hive section with a Chrysalis boss fight as well as a Nursery area but they never got anywhere near completions. I stepped away from the project since. it would be nice to revisit some of the work someday but its just not possible now.

nah, moved on a long time ago. There was some talks with wandering pigeon to do a quick collab with the game engine but we quickly became too busy with life

nvidia or amd gpu

Oh. Sadly the game doesn't support onboard intel atm.

What's your laptop GPU?

The Unity graphical pipeline I use in alpha 2 can be picky about drivers and using a GPU that isn't too old. Make sure your drivers are up to date and you aren't using a 5+ year old GPU.

The alpha 2 branch lacks hostile NPCe currently as the new years build focuses on the improved models, lip syncing and the improved graphical pipeline. The work is still there and just requires reimplementation on my part when I am not getting swamped with work at my full time gig.

not at this time

the free alpha 2 is a showcase. I decided to expand it to include minor gameplay element, another stage and a 4th floor on the elevator as well as some inventory equipment and items. I generally work 50 hours a week these days and get floored during the holidays so progress is slow.

Maybe in the future. But I have to focus on more important stuff in the future. I can however confirm I have a wand in the game's project files.

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more animations are being added. I want to the capturee sequences to be more then just images but it will require a lot of legwork that I am looking forward to during 2024 so give it some time.

it is. hats off to them for salvaging that mess