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A lot of things got cut in the '24 halloween build. Right now the reward for clearing the demo level is some minor nursery interactions and the bella h-scene. I am currently working on animations and revising the cutscene system to allow richer interactions that a lot of players have been asking for. Right now I don't feel players are rewarded enough for besting thorn and the other areas are getting reworked.
Going 3d for your first few projects is fine if you keep the scope very limited. If memory serves the FNAF guy picked up fusion and did a very simple game to showcase his janky models before someone suggested he try to do a horror game.
If you don't have a programming background its best you stick with visual scripting and keep your game designs very simple as you get the workflow down. Good projects getting started early with 3d are visual novel games that follow a point a to b with some player choices sprinkled in.
I use 3 different diaper meshes. The one seen in most renders and games is a heavy modified cushy+ the puddlegums models are the best ones you can buy at the moments.
I would advice against going full 3D for your first major game project. Personally, I would start with a simple 2d or text based project that doesn't require a heavy artistic workload and treat it strictly as a learning experience.
You should also never get in the habit of comparing yourself to others and do things strictly for the love of the craft and growing.
Good and proven game engines suited for beginners and hobbyist are godot, unity, game maker 2 and quest. Don't bother worrying about the current community reputation of the engines as they are simply tools at the end of the day and the first 3 engines have frameworks and 3rd party tools you can work with to finish your project.
Don't be afraid of following youtube and udemy tutorials carefully when you are figuring out the ropes and always put what you learn to use even if you find it boring and tedious at the time as it will pay off when inspiration hits.
Also, don't fall into the trap of worrying about how much or how little you are getting exposed online . People that obsess over that are generally make themselves miserable.
Save games will be coming back as I had it working in test versions of 2.2 and I know what needs to be done to make them available again.
I think a big problem is the game encourages you to rush through the 1st mansion while trying to avoid thorn and look at her walk backwards when she she spots you which gets old and that it takes no time at all for cultists to knock you out from full health.
Thorn is getting her numbers nerfed and she will back off herself when getting stared at for a few seconds. I do want to allow ways to either go over 100 percent or increase max hp
Hey, congrats on completing it and it hasn't even been 24 hours since the release.
I did go over your notes and found them agreeable. The hscene at the end is going to get more animation work and have multiple camera angles options other then the 360° default. The equipable candle is in that build and you need to open up your inventory (in a spot away from thorn) and combine it with the lighter. I think making the lighter just about useless other then candles interactions was a mistake. It and the lantern are getting buffed. The reason it didnt get hotkey was the original '1' hot key was going to be a different item that sadly had to get cut to honor the deadline. I will let you guess what item that was. As you discovered the second area while it looks good needs some further tweaking and player guidance.
Yeah I plan on keeping her difficult but she does have some rough corners that need to be shaved. The accident system currently allows cultists to mess and wet a 2nd time zthe tldr means there are 2 counters at around 3 to 4 minutes that are always counting down and can over lap like you experienced.
The aggro when she needs a change is a recent addition when I found her too easy and predictable and that issue is an easy enough fix for the next patch.