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(1 edit) (+1)

alright, nice one as always mr. piggy. fun artstyle, juicy mechanics, had a blast in general playing it.

just one issue, however. i dont like reading (i say this as someone who made a game pretty much entirely about reading), so that wall of text at the start was a bit annoying. what you couldve done instead of the wall of text would be to just have each button used show up somewhere on the screen (like in the corner or smth) and had them disappear as you pressed them, as the player can usually grasp what each button does if they press it. If something is more complex than that (eg. sucking in the souls of the people you murdered) it’s fine to write a sentence on screen as that’s hard to figure out.

The connection to alchemy was also quite weak but ill give that a pass as the theme was difficult.

whatever thats just a very small issue, i don’t want to be too critical, you made a fabulous game as always.

(1 edit)

Noted for the future. 

It's just that I actually tried something like what you suggested in two other games before this, and everyone thought it was too tedious and they forgot what they could do kek. 

So I thought it best to just give the player a sandbox and just let them practice from there with everything shown so that they both get things quickly, but also don't forget what button does what

As for alchemy, the shadow essence dropped from enemies is converted into health or to power up your special attack if you absorb it.

Anyway, thanks for playing :)