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A member registered Oct 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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alright i understand that, its fine. i did kinda overdo some bits.

Saying that "parallax + camera moving with mouse + camera shake + fast movement" is too much juice is kind of confusing for me. Firstly, parallax and fast movement don't really qualify as juice, and secondly are you telling me to not have a background or not have fast movement? I think what you are talking about is the hitstop, as some other commenters pointed out the hitstop isn't justified and there's way too much. Honestly the amount of juice here is pretty average compared to some of the games i've seen.

should i report this? yes. will i report this? probably not.

We were 2 guys actually, my mate just doesnt have an itch account. He's the one who made the music.

nice one but how tf do you guys coordinate this many people for 48 hours?

What did i just play

This game looks great, except for the fact that my crappy laptop is too slow to run it. How do you guys keep doing this.


great to see a puzzle game that actually requires thought instead of going like "unga bunga me try things" like in so many other jam game. I played through the whole thing. good job.

when i saw a game called "Larry" by a guy called "derpygamer2142" i knew i had struck gold.

no wonder why this has so many ratings...

good one, playing this was fun

This game is one of the most CFHM games i've played.

Of course it has the programmer art (which is actually good its just that how its put together is a bit programmer-art-esque) and is actually very fun despite first impressions.

The concept as well is a creative take on the theme and on deckbuilding.

Gives me serious Wisps vibes. Good job!

Honestly this is one of the most original takes on the apple-snake swap idea ive seen.  Making it an incentive to go near the snakes and chop em in half gets around the problem that most of the apple-snake swap games have. Eg. you arent just always running away from the snake. Good job! better than redline.

Redline you DO know that we can tell your game is an assetflip, right?
anyways, this looks good, and feels good, but just make the controls simpler and make the camera always be behind the arrow. Brain tiny. Took me 3 minutes to do the first one.

Alright yeah the biggest problem for me was to actually get the player to understand wth that station did. It is not an easy thing to do, and the time restriction really forced me to work on the juiciness of the game. So yeah, I only added a very slight hint to what it does and only at the end of the jam. Well now I know how to actually make a fun and juicy game at least, so there's that.

This one's pretty cool, although there is a bit of information overload when you first start out.

This game is too fun.
I wouldve liked the thing that shows what ammo you have to be closer to the center of the screen so i dont have to keep looking there.

Other than that, 10/10.

That is not a design issue. It's just a quirk of how dices work. (its what mathematicians call a fixed point).

it can be used for some interesting puzzles actually. But yeah i do agree it can be a little annoying.

This is great. That's all I can say. I didnt find anything that's negative game design-wise. This for sure is going in my GMTK jam favorites collection.

this was a very fun game, but it had what seemed to be an exponential difficulty curve which isnt very good.

I enjoyed this one, however, you should have focused less on all the abilities and more on making great puzzles with those abilities. In its current state, the game is a little confusing because there are so many abilities.

Other than that one small issue, this was a great game. It's a little short, but quality > quantity so that doesn't matter too much.

Fantastic aesthetics as always from blackthornprod games.

However, like others said, it was a bit confusing starting out.

other than that, great submission.

This was a fun one. The main mechanic with collecting the dots was enough to make this game different from other similar dice rolling games.
The presentation was decent, it could be better though.

Overall, I enjoyed it.

so this is why game jams are important...

I'm glad someone noticed the outer wilds thing. Definitely my biggest inspiration for making this, and making games in general.

The audio and art was really impressive, gj.

the art and audio are really good, and the gameplay is also really good.

The only thing that is not that good is how much the game adheres to the theme. To be honest, it doesn't that much.

Other than that, good job

One thing I found funny was the main menu. It just looks like a house, but there's just a guy in front of it whos doing backflips. But then, a bunch of cookies rained down from the sky. I was not expecting that, definitely gave me a bit of a chuckle.

I liked everything else too, good job on this one. This game's really good.

I really liked the audio in this one, I don't know why. Also the level design and progression was pretty good.

But, there was no music, (but that's not too big of a deal), and also I couldn't tell what platforms were "fake" and which ones were "real". That second one is not necessarily a bad thing, I actually liked it, but not giving visual feedback on stuff is not a very good thing in the game design world. 

Anyway, other than that, I enjoyed it. Good job

Okay, so those puzzles were pretty good for this kind of game. 

There wasn't really much here that I didn't like. But, I do suggest you research some more puzzle design (there's a pretty simple GMTK video on it) so you can get better at puzzle making.

In general though, good job.

there are 2 areas that you need to get to. Each one of them has a code. You can then use those codes to unlock the core. Since you have been able to access the top room of the core, you can access these areas too. I won't say where they are though, you can find that out will a bit of exploring.

this might just be because I made a game with slightly similar aesthetics and mechanics before, but I really liked this game.

most of the puzzles were fun (except the one where you had to parkour across multiple blue platforms). Good job on this one.

I really liked this one. The movement was really smooth (the jump might have been a little floaty though, but that doesn't matter). You clearly have a great understanding of what makes a good mechanic.

Also, making the fake platforms add extra speed and that you can conserve speed by jumping is a really smart thing to do. 

Good job.

wdym, confused on what the code is or how the buttons work?

I played this for way longer than I should have.

9/10 would look for a kraken again.

That start was really good, and also the explanation of the fake tiles was also really good. Really good game design in general.

lmao that seems like a very mojang ceo thing to do

gj on your game too, it was really good (probably better than whomst 1)

Audio - great

Graphics - also great, but I recognise the sprites from somewhere, so theyre prolly not made from scratch

everything else is also really good.