Last day of the last week - when I choose to influence "Matters concerning overall peace" and say I want to "improve the chances of a lasting peace", I get the answer "You do your best to influence people towards your own best interests" - I assume that's a bug ;)
And I think there's a slide missing after the summit to go to Revaire or a mix-up which one should be there. The first slide starts with "The sudden war..." and the one afterwards with "The bloody civil war..." (obviously, I didn't manage to stop it... :( )
- "fiancée" instead of "fiancé"; sorry, I forgot to note where exactly but it was in Week 6. Zarad romance.
- And when the Skalt and Wellin delegates go sign their treaties, Pen gets "bye one" instead of "by" ;) Ah, in fact, it's always the last one, Avalie got it too.
- Penelope's post-summit summary "but at least she would always have the summit and it's (must be its) memories in her heart".
- Lisle's post summit-summary "satisifaction" instead of satisfaction. "The summit had mean working..." must be "had meant"