Very cool entry!
I really liked the gameplay and the way you implemented the theme here. However, at times I felt like the car was a bit too floaty. At times I felt like the car would fly way more than it needed to if I hit a bump, and sometimes even if the road had just a small bump. At one point I pressed S to brake and the whole car flipped over pretty badly lol! I think this could maybe be an issue with the car's mass and where the center of gravity is, maybe if you increased the mass and lowered the center of gravity it a bit more you could get the car to stick a bit better to the road. Also for the braking maybe you need to directly decrease the velocity instead of applying a force (idk if that was what you did but that's what it felt like to me because of the flip). Other than that, I felt it was pretty intuitive and felt good to control.
Themewise, I think it was a very clever way to do it, congrats!
In terms of aesthetics, I feel like the game looks very good, no complaints here.
I think the music is a bit too laid back for the kind of speed you reach. I didn't play multiplayer, but I feel like it would definitely feel a bit more odd there, since you're trying to be as fast as possible. I'd recommend using a faster, more upbeat track, but that's just me! The engine sounds were very well handled.
I enjoyed it, keep up the good work!