There's a lot to like here!
+ Item combination system has a ton of options, and there's a good gameplay loop of exploring for items and whittling the alien down via using those items in combat
+ The cube system lets you customize which kinds of items you'll find on the next floor, as well as the alien's elemental resistances
+ The character portraits really don't do justice to how nice the pixel art looks
- I'm pretty sure every level has the same layout, just with different objects in it
- I got the "Good ending" after fleeing a fight with the alien, and there's no clear reason why.
- The balancing is a bit off; items are far more effective than melee weapons, and I didn't find a single compelling use for the syringe in my playthrough.
- You can't eat the donuts in the spawn room
Thanks for the feedback!
Just to address a few points...
- It's funny you mention the pixel art. It's one of my favorite asset packs. The drawings are pretty beginnerish. I've only just started digital art.
-Yeah, to save time I did use a template for all the levels. I had intended to make 4 variations of each to mix things up, but I ran out of time.
-Yeah, I need to add a message or somethin' for the good ending.
-Syringe definitely needs a buff
-Donuts will be edible in the post jam update :)