As Promised Came Back to rate each track!
Fatal Beauty - Such a beautiful title theme for sure giving me SquareSoft vibes, the strings are very emotional and just give me a similar nostalgic feeling like the Kingdom Hearts title theme!
Sujin -When that choir came in it just gave me the chills I can feel that PS1/PS2 era JRPG music in this, perfect touch on the percussion piece. What a soothing character theme! Nice little touch on the flute in the ending!
Tragedy's Edge - This is giving me Nier Replicant vibes, and that melody line is another vibe, can't name it off the top of my head currently but again very strong and smooth. Nice way bringing back the title theme in this as well with the motif.
Ren - Track after track I love each one, the flute melody is so powerful as well as that piano counter melody. Amazing use of dynamics! And what a strong finish as well!
Faith - Heavily gives me Legend of Legaia mixed with Chorno Cross vibes. A very good exploration track I don't think I would ever get sick of. Very simple yet it evolves. Nice use of lite motif as well from the title theme!
Prove Yourself - Gives me a similar vibe melodic-wise to Final Fantasy XIII's battle theme at least the starting intro melody section. Nice flute arp into the strings. Big as well!
Orphans Refuge - This village theme is so beautiful as well! Really nice sweet melodies again with the main theme motif added to it. If I were to play this imaginary game and enter this village for the first time I would go AFK close my eyes and listen to the music (I do with all amazing town/village themes), so damn good!
This whole project makes me want to hear more, this is certified ready for a JRPG in my opinion, and probably one of my favorite projects I heard in this jam! Amazing work!