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A jam submission


Unite the Oceans, Save the World!
Submitted by rikuwru (@rikuwru_)
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1073.9203.920

Ranked from 75 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Orchestral
Game Type: JRPG
Games Soundtrack is Similar To: Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Zelda, and Kingdom Hearts.
DAW of Choice: FL Studio
Game Description:
After a catastrophic event, the goddess of water, Suijin, loses her powers and awakens on dry land with no memory of what happened. The oceans, once harmonious, now rage out of control, threatening life on earth. To restore balance, Suijin must reconnect with the four divine oceans and reclaim her powers. With the help of a young boy named Ren, who believes in her cause, they embark on a perilous quest to find the hearts of each ocean and restore harmony to the seas. Can they succeed before it's too late?

(all music was made within 4 days as I couldn't take advantage of the full 9 due to my work schedule.)

Check the project page for more info!
Cover art made by @moopgui and @rikuwru (I literally just found the font for the title and arranged everything for the final cover. Moopgui did that beautiful drawing which is like 99% of the work lol.)


Message from the artist
You Can Turn the Tides!


Picture theme

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission


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So... I don't even think I should describe how great your soundtrack is...

definitely 5/5 in all categories. Thanks)

P.S. Sorry for the short comment. I'm already very tired(


Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it that much.


Beautiful soundtrack overall. Love the depth on the various string articulations, from the pizzicato in "Sujin" to the big staccato notes in "Faith," the strings do a great job of filling in the space in your mix. in a fulfilling way. Your snare might be just a bit too present and powerful towards the beginning of Prove Yourself, but it feels a bit more balanced out with  the rest of the mix towards the latter half. Would have liked to see some more variation in this track overall, it's great up to around 0:46, but the energy dies down a little TOO much to keep the battle energy going. A little more emphasis on the drums here, maybe a fast, low snare roll, could help to keep things moving. 

Overall, great soundtrack with beautiful orchestration. Excellent work!


Yeah, I'm considering changing the snare used for Prove Yourself since a few people keep saying things about it for the remix I'm working on. I appreciate the feedback because it's only going to make my next battle theme better. 


Gorgeous soundtrack! Composition is a massive *chefs kiss* , especially in "Fatal Beauty". One of the best songs I've heard this jam.


I appreciate it a lot! I'm glad you liked Fatal Beauty that much!


As Promised Came Back to rate each track!

Fatal Beauty - Such a beautiful title theme for sure giving me SquareSoft vibes, the strings are very emotional and just give me a similar nostalgic feeling like the Kingdom Hearts title theme!

Sujin -When that choir came in it just gave me the chills I can feel that PS1/PS2 era JRPG music in this, perfect touch on the percussion piece. What a soothing character theme! Nice little touch on the flute in the ending!

Tragedy's Edge - This is giving me Nier Replicant vibes, and that melody line is another vibe, can't name it off the top of my head currently but again very strong and smooth. Nice way bringing back the title theme in this as well with the motif.

Ren - Track after track I love each one, the flute melody is so powerful as well as that piano counter melody. Amazing use of dynamics! And what a strong finish as well!

Faith - Heavily gives me Legend of Legaia mixed with Chorno Cross vibes. A very good exploration track I don't think I would ever get sick of. Very simple yet it evolves. Nice use of lite motif as well from the title theme!

Prove Yourself - Gives  me a similar vibe melodic-wise to Final Fantasy XIII's battle theme at least the starting intro melody section. Nice flute arp into the strings. Big as well!

Orphans Refuge - This village theme is so beautiful as well! Really nice sweet melodies again with the main theme motif added to it. If I were to play this imaginary game and enter this village for the first time I would go AFK close my eyes and listen to the music (I do with all amazing town/village themes), so damn good!

This whole project makes me want to hear more, this is certified ready for a JRPG in my opinion, and probably one of my favorite projects I heard in this jam! Amazing work!


Hey, I remember you saying you would rate my work a few days ago so I'm happy you could come back and give me your full review! I greatly appreciate this and am very pleased you enjoyed it front to back. It was great reading all the good things you had to say about each track!


incredible piano work- the compositions are stellar. great job on additional music textures as well. Well thought out and well executed.


I appreciate it!


The story-arch is so well crafted here, and Main Menu theme in particular has lovely ideas and colours utilised. That is great pacing and structure to these compositions and the writing is excellent. Being hyper-critical here (as you asked :) - keep working on the programming of lyrical and legato lines, as in places you could add a bit more realism through more dynamic shaping and phrasing, as this will just add another level to your tracks. Also explore ways of adding more intensity to the battle-themed sections. Overall this is has been very impressive to listen to, great work :)


I appreciate this a lot! Automation for the volume of my melodies is something I haven’t practiced enough and definitely will going forward. I know it will make a difference in how interesting a track is to listen to if I experiment with it. Thank you for giving good feedback.


Oh this reminds me of those jrpg games i grew up with. Love the vibes, you can feel the storytelling from how it's written.




Really great! I love the cover art and I really liked the battle theme!


Thank you!


Very reminiscent of Chrono Cross! Faith was my favorite one


Thanks! I haven't heard music from Chrono Cross yet. Have to check it out soon.


This OST is amazing! I love "Suijin"! I think the composition throughout the whole soundtrack is very solid and the quality is great. I do think that the triangle in some of the songs is a little to loud. Otherwise amazing work!


Appreciate it!


This OST right here HAS to be in a game! I'm really blown away by what you did! The area exploration check was so effective in creative ambience that I actually felt like I was playing a JRPG. The battle theme also had an obvious Chrono Trigger influence, yet it was so unique i can't say it sounds like it. Perfect battle theme! 

The craziest thing is I listened before reading your description, and already knew that this was for a JRPG with some influence from Chrono Trigger, so you really did everything you had to do to convey what you wanted clearly. This is perfection right here! 


I appreciate it man! I'm glad you enjoyed the project and had good things to say about it.


Very calm and minimalist soundscape. Lightweight and dreamy atmosphere that surrounds the listener like a lush fog. Good work!


Thank you! I really appreciate the way you described my music.


Such a calming and beautiful Ost... You truly captured the vibe of those classic jrpg you mentionned. 

Great work :)


I appreciate it!


kind and beautiful orchestrations, thank you, I loved it.


Of course man! Thank you for checking it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


These tracks range from serene, to emotional, to energetic, and I think this shows your range as a composer.

The backstory here is pretty interesting, and is very fitting for a jrpg, and I think you expressed it well in your compositions.

The orchestration here is fantastic, and very evocative of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts. The melodies are also expertly written, and I think they serve their purpose very well.

Good job!


I appreciate it! I try to make sure all my OSTs have pretty good song diversity so I'm glad that effort paid off.


Wonderful orchestration and piano composition! Deeply emotional and  impactful. 

Love the delay effect used on some of the piano parts.

Favorite track: 004 Ren (Character Theme)


Thanks man I appreciate it!


The mix on this is straight up insane. Excellent composition as well; even more impressive in just four days. The opening track captures such a wide breadth of emotion. Those strings are singing!


I appeciate it a lot. Hopefully next time I can utilize the full time given as I had way more pieces I wanted to compose but couldn't.


Wow the orchestration here is beautiful indeed, and it's also pretty much ready for a game too! Great work!


Thank you for the kind words!


This is so beautiful! I love the story and how the themes and music fit together to tell it. Like others have said below, the music is a perfect accompaniment for a game, evocative, but not overwhelming - really really well done!


Thank you!


As a longtime fan of JRPG music I really enjoyed your work! you are able to capture the magical vibe of those OSTs perfectly. It's like music for a game that already exists. Amazing job :)


I appreciate it!

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