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This made for an interesting listen! The Main Theme actually reminded me of something I might hear in some sort of stealth-driven, espionage game funnily enough.

Digging the choice of instrumentation and synth patches throughout the Sectors. Nice sense of progression in each and repeated use of motifs. Really like the pseudo-breakbeat percussion in Sector 3 in particular - those kind of drums always have me locked in. Good opportunity to also say that the percussion throughout the soundtrack as a whole is nice and varied  stylistically which I think is a feat in itself.

Really nice touch having the final track be so tonally driven and absent of rhythms. Bookends the experience nicely, and the orchestration is really well done. With the title being Unexpected Freedom, I felt as though this ending piece had a very pensive feeling to it, which is a cool contrast I think.

All in all, solid work! Produced well, plenty of tracks, nice evolving sense of style throughout. 
