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Echoes of a Dream had me reeled in immediately - absolutely love the choice of voicings here and how gentle the arrangement is as a whole. Some really gorgeous textures evolving throughout, and I love how the arrangement never ends up being too busy. It strikes these feelings of ambiguity - a difficult in-between to not only find but work with, but I think you've done a great job here.

The Awakening follows the same kind of vibe but has more of a forward motion to it, I think. I like the pseudo-percussion present here, it does a great job of providing a grounding rhythm to the track and allowing the other melodies to weave in and around the beats. Great choice of voicings here once again.

Dream of a Butterfly feels like it is sitting in the same camp as the first track but it explores more of a conducive tone. Almost whimsical in a lot of ways, laden in a kind of soft hope. I love the transition from more sustained and expression oriented sounds into a more spiccato kind of voicing around the 2/3rd mark.

Dozing Off is very befitting of its title; it's like a gentle lullaby. Everything in it has this kind of 'blurred' sound, as though you're caught on that fringe of just losing consciousness but still being minutely aware of what is around you. Really nice progression throughout and I like how the ending section starts to get a little busier before stripping down to the arpeggio fading out.

Finally, Dream of a Girl is a departure from expectations off the bat - definitive percussion and a more unabashed upbeat kind of vibe. There's a playfulness to this, not only in the rhythm but the articulation of the keys. Some really nice leads here and orchestration to bolster the arrangement. 

All in all, this was genuinely fantastic - it may be my favorite ambient entry of the bunch. Your approach of arranging and crafting soundscapes is enviable. I'd love to hear this in a context of a game, and hear so much more from you. Super solid work, I could see this landing among the top spots for sure. 


Wooh what fantastic feedback, thanks a lot for taking the time to listen to the tracks and provide such detailed return! I'm super happy that you enjoyed it, and that you saw through most of the points present in my creations ! :-D