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A Final Reflection has a lot of interesting things going on. There's quite a few different melody lines weaving around each other off the bat. It is very busy but I didn't find that it clashed at all which is good. Really enjoyed the change of pace and stripped back accompaniment around the 2/3 mark - really nice piano playing and a good opportunity to breathe a little before getting back into it for one more send-off. Kudos on the gradual layer reintroduction here also.

Meanwhile, Welcome Home is a great example of a motif done well and it is played beautifully. Nice articulation, soft left-hand melodies and some really nice orchestral work building in the background and bolstering the piano. Loving the subtleties of this one - as the track progresses there are more and more bits of ear candy that float to the top.

Solid submission, both really enjoyable tracks that are produced and arranged really well. 


Thank you so much for your kind review and for all the things you noticed!