My dude just drops 20 tracks like it's nbd. Kudos just for that level of commitment in submitting that many completed tracks.
Love the chaos here. Things start off unsettling, then just completely lose control. There is some pretty thick horror ambience here, and there are always just enough things happening to keep things interesting.
The wailing synth in track 3 is great. As for the crackling and popping sounds, I hate them. But in a good way. All you needed was a good "SNAP" in there somewhere and you would have had an entire box of Rice Krispies!
The sound design continues to be unsettling, at times slightly startling, in all the right ways. The panned delay on that rising synth on track 4 is a nice touch.
I'm assuming these battle and boss themes were supposed to be adaptive in nature and transition from the previous track. If not, they both would certainly serve great at that purpose. Love the crunch and straight up gnarliness of the guitars here. For the boss theme, the dissonance between the acoustic guitars and the ... whatever the hell else is going on is very well-crafted. The chords towards the end of this one change things up nicely.
In case you forgot you were in an industrial zone in track 9, Trent Reznor stops by and drops a few drum beats off to remind you.
The second boss theme has a nice steady beat to it that is a welcome change from the unsteady ambience. The sound design continues to be top notch throughout the rest of the soundtrack, with the sudden change up (fake out?) in "False Rest" and subsequent transition into Cat and Mouse being a nice surprise. I assume that Songbird the Crow couldn't fit onto the subway train, or it was just too weirded out by the vocals in track 13 to continue on.
I'm not falling for this again, there's no way there is an actual "Rest Zone" in this game. Yep, there it is.
I feel like this soundtrack is slowly gluing itself together as we get towards the end, with Full Metal Temple having quite a bit of structure compared to many of the previous tracks. The strings in "Green Stage" are a nice surprise, and this soundtrack keeps managing to change things up despite it's length and volume.
Who is the boss of the techno temple? It's techno viking, isn't it?
Things are straight up organized chaos in "Patient Zero. " Along with carrying a much more prevalent and forward melody in some sections, it also seems to call back to many of the instruments and sounds used previously. The weight and dreadful energy in this track is powerful.
A+ sound design, A+ ambience crafting, A+ horror vibes. Thanks, I hated it. (just kidding, nice job!)