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YAY -- well not yay for your computer being bricked, that's super unfortunate and I hope is resolved as soon as it can be. It's always frustrating when your tools give out and you just wanna work on stuff! And as I've said before, I'm looking forward to more Lovestarved! But I've also been eagerly anticipating the release of the OST, so I'm stoked that it's up now. ^_^

It's not Spooktober, but some friends and I are teaming up to participate in a ten day VN jam next week, ish -- Velox Fabula. We would be thrilled if you'd be down to join our team for that. And based on the tone of your games I feel like content-wise we could be a good fit. No worries if not, though! And if you want to check out the stuff we've done in the past before deciding, we have a couple on itch here.

Congrats on the album release!!

Haha, yeah, it’s a mixed bag at the moment x3 I’m just grateful that the potato will allow me to make music at least while I’m without a PC! And the PC dying kinda gave me a kick up the butt to look into the Spotify stuff a little sooner than planned, haha. Here’s to hoping that it didn’t get messed up for streaming >.< 

I’m not sure what to do about the rest of the OST for the project because I do already have a handful of extra tracks for it finished, just not all of them. I guess I’ll release an extended version or something when it’s ready. It’s just there’s one track in particular that isn’t in the demo that I’m kind of dying to release xD It’s not often I’m legitimately proud of stuff I’ve made, but there’s one track that I’m so happy with how it came out that I’m stupidly excited to share it, haha.

Ooooh, man… you’ve just reminded me of another jam I meant to account for this year but forgot to T_T August is slowly turning into a bit of a fomo month for me, haha. I missed the last Velox Fabula and vowed to try and make something for it next time!! And the same with Murderboy Mayhem >.< And now there is also Tales To Thrill this month which looks awesome! I wish I could participate in them all :( 

I would absolutely love to join your team for Velox Fabula, I’m just worried I’d end up letting you down >.< I checked the dates of the jam, and realistically, I would only be able to work on something for it for 3-4 of the 10 days T_T

I’m away from home from tonight until 10th August, and when I get back on 10th, I’ve got stuff that badly needs attending to in my dad’s garden that I’ve neglected for too long, so that’s probably gonna take up all of Sunday >.< As far as I know, I should have 12th-15th mostly free, but then I’m away from home again on 16th August all the way up until the evening of the 20th August, which isn’t ideal. 

I don’t even normally go away in August, but my dad is really sick and tired of the job he’s on atm because it’s gruelling work, and the recent heatwave kinda destroyed him, so he said he’s gonna let the younger folks on the building site deal with the rest of that particular job they have on atm cos he’s just too old to cope with it :( He also hates sitting at home with time off doing nothing though, so he booked a couple of mini-breaks to nature reserves and said I’m coming along too because I need time away from staring at screens xD 

Not that I’m complaining in the slightest! I’m grateful for the break, and I love spending time out in nature with him :3 It’s just bad timing with all these amazing jams on in August, haha.

If you think there’s a chance I could contribute something useful in the small amount of time I’d have to work on something during the jam, then I’d still love to join you :3 But no worries if you think it would be too tight! The last thing I want is to mess up your project because I can’t commit enough time to it >.<

Speaking of your project/s, I really need to check them out when I get a chance because they look fantastic!! :3 I should give myself more time to play stuff in general cos my backlog is crazy at this point, and I always tell myself I’m gonna have a week of purely playing other people’s games, and then somehow end up working on stuff instead >.<

I also see you made something for the OST Composing Jam, and now I’m sad I didn’t manage to rate it T_T I so desperately wanted to hear everything, but that was virtually impossible. In the end, I only managed to rate around 60-70 things, and I just know I’m missing out on incredible music by not having heard more!

I just had a listen to what you made for the jam though, and it sounds brilliant :3 I kinda wanna experiment more with orchestral stuff because I haven’t tried to much since Sapphire Snowe, and that wasn’t really super orchestral heavy! The Fountain theme gives me wonderful Final Fantasy vibes :D 

Anyways, I should probably shut up x3 Sorry I rambled so much >.< If you wanted to just reply re: Velox Fabula, feel free to ignore the rest of my rambling, haha. (You are, of course, also free to just ignore my entire ramble wall xD)

And thank you for your kind words again! Hope your week is an awesome one :3


Sorry for structuring this reply in bullet form, my brain is just struggling a bit to be coherent today, but!
- The Spotify release has been sounding good to me so far! And an extended version sounds like a great idea ^^
- I also wish I could participate in a bunch more jams. So much to do, so little time.
- It's totally okay!! We'd be honored to have you in whatever capacity you can manage. We have a dev discord where we're discussing ideas; if you'd like I could send you an invite? Whatever way you prefer to communicate would be fine though!
- I feel you on the crazy backlog. Feel free to peruse whenever! No pressure at all.
- Honestly time away in nature is so good, I hope you enjoy it!
- Aw, thanks for the nice words about my OST Jam submission! I'm glad the final fantasy vibes came through since I was looking there for influence. And honestly when I saw how many submissions there were I got super overwhelmed so I didn't get to rate as many as I would have liked myself.
I hope you have a wonderful week as well!!!

No worries at all! :3 And I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to get back to you when something time-sensitive is involved >.<

If I could have replied sooner, I would have, but while I was away most of the week I had no phone signal T_T The place we stayed was supposed to have WiFi, but it didn’t work, so I was only able to see and start replying to stuff I missed now that I’m home again :( 

That’s a relief to hear about the Spotify release anyhow :3 

There is never enough time in the world for all the jams x3

Sadly, it’s looking like I’m not going to have any time at all to join you for that particular jam T_T My doctor’s appointment that was supposed to be today has been moved to next Tuesday, and with the stress of it + travel, I will pretty much lose that entire day. But worse than that, I seem to have caught some kinda bug while away cos I don’t feel so great >.<

I think I’m just gonna have to accept that I’ll have to sit this one out, even though I desperately wish I could join you :( I really hope that it won’t have caused you guys any problems when I initially said I might have a few days to contribute something.

Please feel free to add me on Discord still if you want to though because I would love to have the opportunity to work with you another time if possible! It’s just unfortunate timing this particular jam >.<

Yeah, there were a hell of a lot of submissions to that OST jam, so I feel you on being overwhelmed there x3 It’s great that there are so many people out there making awesome music though :D 

Apologies again that I couldn’t respond faster >.< Hope your week has been good & that your weekend is even better! And I hope you guys have a blast with the jam :3


Sorry for my own super late reply! Been swamped with both work on games and outside stuff.

I hope you're feeling better!! And that you were able to rest up and recuperate peacefully. Did you manage to get out into the garden, or were those plans thwarted, too?

It's totally cool that you had to pass on the project. Time got the best of us so we wound up only getting one track into the game anyway, since I was coding right up until the deadline, haha. We're thinking of doing a version 2.0 of the game after the voting period ends (and well we'd like to do version 2.0s of all the games we've done - there's always room for expansion and improvement) and audio is one of our top priorities for that so we'll see how that goes!

If the adding on Discord option is still open, my username there is curricle as well ^_^

No worries at all! And mine is super late once again x3 Also swamped with a mixture of stupid life stuff and spooktober jam madness, haha.

Funnily enough, I have covid now, so even though I was feeling better in between, I’m not doing so great again x3 I did manage to get out into the garden for a bit before getting ill again though at least! Although, we have had torrential rain the past couple of days which has destroyed some of my poor plants >.<

I hope you do manage to work on some version 2.0s of projects cos as you say, there’s always room to expand on stuff, and once the horror of jam deadlines has passed, you can work on things more freely to get them to a place that you can be content with :3

And, absolutely, adding on Discord is still an option!! ^-^ I will see if I can add you after I send this! Though, I don’t always have the best luck when it comes to Discord and it quite often tells me people don’t exist when I try to type in usernames, haha. If I can't manage to add you, feel free to try and add me instead!

I hope you have been well anyhow :3