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(1 edit)

Yeah I've had the on and off it kicking me out(no error code etc) from the menu.
*ETA* I think it's the failure of the primary task doing it once you get a certain amount of points in it, maybe? Since when it doesn't kick back it's been only successes, but I used to have failures go through.

(4 edits) (+1)

Update: I've been trying to replicate this bug with the 1.4.3 version, but I didn't get kicked out when I get a failure at day 125 so I'm very confused now @@ but yes, maybe the primary task is having a failure or something funny happened in the code during the process...? 

I'm not sure, but the amount of points shouldn't be the reason because in order to make things work with the small events, I have to reset the "hunt"/daily task value everytime it exceed 2 or 3 points (that's why the MC is asking you what to do every 2-3 days) and the maximum amount of points you can obtain is 300 per task, so... I'm drawing a blank here :'D

I can only hope this bug will not cause a huge problem in the future >_<;

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It's autumn village and clothes washing(I did Guntur's first so explains why I had the issue). Maybe something w/ the failure image for autumn village's clothes washing is causing it? Like either a typo or image deciding to Houdini itself off.

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Yes, I forgot to say I was spamming Laundry task x'D
I also checked for typos just in case, but no, everything is in place which is why I'm confused--I also checked with the other tasks (comparing the codes) but they're showing no error or difference @@ somehow it feels like Ren'Py is mocking me. When I need it to show a bug, it's not showing any :'D

IKR? and it doesn't even give an error code since it just yeets to the main menu. Renpy is taunting us. :P