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A member registered Dec 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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YAY! Congrats, Shiawase!
I'm so glad and relieved that you love the antagonist route! QuQ
Like Rama's, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it does tie some loose ends. I'm also flattered that I managed to touch your feelings--it's one of the best compliments out there for writers! 

*pulls out a box of tissues for you*

OMG, thank you and congrats, ramenlover890!
the notification feature fails me again, I just saw your comment today Q_Q I'm sorry for the late reply!

That is a good question though! In my mind, Maya's mirror will look like a small, slightly worn out, pocket mirror. You know, the ones that can be folded? Pocket mirror represents someone that cares about how they looks, you can say a little narcisstic but when it's folded, it can also be interpreted as 'guarded' or 'wary'. 

My concept is; everyone's mirrors starts off as a simple mirror, but then it evolves as a person grows. There are many factors, like the environment, education, parents, etc

I hope I answered your question ^.^)/

Hi, Macya90!
Yes it's finally here! >///< thank you for your support and have fun~
I'll be here if you need me, I look forward to hear your thoughts later <3

Awww, thank you as always, ~Y U U~! >///<
I'm always happy to read your comments every week <3 Stay awesome and I hope you're doing well over there!

Oh in a different, peaceful setting where the betrayal didn't happen, Kaiden and Gale will still be wary of new people but not as much. 
They will definitely see Guntur as a threat though x'D he has a big built and Gale won't feel confident enough to be able to seize him alone if something were to happen. And you're right! While Arya will have much to argue and fight often with them, his straigtforwardness will be seen positively. I mean, they'd rather you talk bad to their faces rather on their backs. Kahlil, on the other hand, the first impression will be that he's annoying at first but grows on you as time passes. 

Interactions between the men will be limited though, since Gale & Kaiden still have their jobs to patrol the area & they will also be absent sometimes if the King sent them on a mission or if they want to visit other villages and do the odd jobs there. They might encounter often in the hot springs though. It's the only place where you can relax and honestly, the soldiers like that place very much. Nothing like a hot spring loosening your tense muscles after a training or two. Oh and let's not forget the Bar! 

The qualities Kaiden & Gale value the most will be: Honesty, Hardwork, and Don't talk bad about the soldiers or Sir Marco in any way. They'll appreciate you more if you help with the odd jobs though. When people work together, you'll find out people's characters/habits when encountering a problem and see how they try to solve them.

About Gale's prosthetic and Kaiden's scars... Gale won't mind you touching it, since it's very sturdy and he can make a new one if smth happens to it. He likes how practical it is and accepts it as a part of himself. It's a shame that he can't feel anything though, so if you touch his protestic arm, he will feel nothing. But the shoulder is another matter. The place where his arm got cut off is discolored and very sensitive. He don't want anyone to touch it unless it's absolutely necessary.

Kaiden's scars will not exist if it's a more peaceful setting and the Spring Village still stands. But if the scars are present, then yes, he will be numb to the pain already and unconciously, he will seek warmth because his body is as cold as ice. After all, his heart already stopped for a long time. 

And no problem at all! Feel free to ask because my goodness, 115k words already? O_O; 
I look forward to read it <3

(1 edit)

*pass you a box of tissue* 
Yes, it was sad and unfortunate for both Kaiden and Gale :') They're like us; both of them has a story to tell and both of them are just trying to find their happiness--I have so much I want to convey through the two of them, so it makes me really happy to see you pay attention to the smallest detail! >///<

Yes, Gale is a quietly petty person lol. That's the perfect word to describe him x'D
And you guessed their hobbies already, but I'll explain more! Kaiden has fondness for music because amidst his busy training, trying to win the nobles' favor, the audience with the King, and schedule as the captain of the 7th Knight Division... the only entertainment he finds & enjoys is listening to Hototo's/a bard's music. It gives him a moment of peace and makes him forget his problems. The stories told by bards are also interesting to listen to.

As for Gale, he's naturally good at drawing (example: him drawing Kaiden facing the dragon). But he's not particularly passionate about it.
He draws because sometimes, he will need to make a report about what kind of new creatures they encountered to the King during their patrols (as the legend said, it's a sanctuary so new creatures would pop up now and then. The purpose of the report is for documentary and to decide whether the new creature is a threat or not) or when there's a thievery, he's the one who will make a sketch of the suspect's face. So yes, drawing is more out of necessity than passion. He has a talent for it, but Gale doesn't believe it's good enough to make a living with it.

As for teasing, once they get to know a person better. Kaiden and Gale will be fine with both receiving and giving. They had their fair share of teasings from Sir Marco and Vivian. You get the gist with Sir Marco, the woeful father who is 'abandoned' by his boys once they grew up. As for Vivian... well... if the scene in the hot spring is not enough hint. Here's a bonus scene I just thought up from a short video I watched on YT that reminded me of Vivian: When Kaiden & Gale were changing their clothes in the soldiers quarters, they heard a shout: "SHUT THE DOOR, THERE'S A FEMALE PERVERT!" and they saw a glimpse of a redhead, before the soldiers slammed the door. She's a pervert and her teasings are very bold so yeah, they're not innocent lol, they're actually quite immune by now and found blushing girls quite amusing since they're used to Vivian's boldness.

Your last question is a tough one though :'D
In the event that they both have feelings for the same person, they will definitely compete fair and square. But Kaiden will be more active than Gale in the matter of pursuing, because Gale believes Kaiden to be a better choice than him. While they have similar backgrounds, Gale is not confident in his looks because he once heard people describe him as 'gloomy' and 'Kaiden's shadow'.

Both of them will be loyal to their partners though, so I'm afraid polyamorous is not an option ^^; not to mention they consider themselves as brothers and there's an unspoken rule about not touching your brother's woman. They will not share their partners. Period.

In the case they compete and one of them loses, the losing one will back out and take some time to sort out their feelings. They will need some space, but the brothers' bond is stronger than anything else and what matters is the person they love is happy. At the very least, they'll know their loved one will be taken care of, after all, who knows their brother better than themselves?

I hope it helps! ^.^)/

No problem at all, Sowainne!
I'm really happy that you want to make a fanfic about Gale. I'm a little sad when I can't write his route (it's one of the stretch goals during my Indiegogo campaign so I did plan his route briefly!)

I will do my best to answer your questions one by one!
1. I'm wondering what a relationship with him would look like in general?
First of all, Kaiden and Gale have simple mindsets. They came from a humble background so their education is limited and can be a bit gullible... Due to that, the nobles sometimes took advantage of them. While Kaiden persisted on trying to gain people's approval, Gale on the other side, eventually developed a wary habit/easy to be suspicious of people's intention (Hence, he didn't hesitate to point an arrow at Maya the first time they met lol)

He will definitely be wary of new people until he knows whether your intentions are true or not.

2.  How do they act when they start having those feelings, are they the type to keep it to themselves or do either of them want to take initiative?
Kaiden and Gale have different approaches/understanding about romance/affection. Kaiden used to be the type like Mitra (if you played Winged Ones you'll understand :'D if not, let's say he used to be the warm and fuzzy type, innocent and gullible too).  But ever since his personality became twisted... Well, if you played his route, you'll notice that he will test you more than once and rejected your approach countless of times, but once he accepts your, he will be the devoted type. He is very obssessive/paranoid with his partner. Kaiden's love language is skinship, he likes to feel your warmth. He will take initiative as much as you allow him and he will be a very jealous boyfriend that will cover your eyes whenever you try to look at other men.

Now enough about Kaiden x'D
Gale though, is the shy and quiet type once he deems you're not scheming anything behind him. He won't accept skinship on the early stages, but he will give you attention through other things, such as he will give you drinking water when he notice you're thirsty, fill your a bowl of food first before his (this is big since food is considered precious when he was a child, he lived in the slums, remember?), and his eyes will follow your movements. Basically, he will take care of you since he considered you one of his friends now. 

Gale's love is the type that is calm and constant. That is, as long as you did the same. Because of his humble background, he is the type that will hide his feelings because he knows there are other people better than him. That can provide better, because he's not the type to chase wealth and content with whatever he has. Because his life right now is much better than the slums and he wants to keep it that way. Therefore, you will have to take the initiative in order to get closer to Gale and prove to him that your love is true and with marriage in mind/to be partners in life, not just a fling. Being constant with your actions is the key with Gale. Otherwise, how can he judge whether you're sincere or not?

Extra info:
- He likes straightforward people that doesn't scheme behind his back.
- Gale likes soft bread, preferably if they're freshly baked. 
- He hates dried food or preserved food, because he eats it too often during long-missions or during his days as a knight-in-training. He only eats them because it's cheap.
- Secretly, he likes to stash money/hide some gold coins for emergency purposes. But the main purpose is for him & Kaiden to be able to comfortably retire.
- He doesn't like to cause conflicts if possible, but if someone mess with what he considers his, well, they'll find their lives to be more difficult in one way or another (like getting your requests for help ignored by the 7th Knights Division or have rumors circulate around you). Gale learned how to use rumors to his advantage from the Nobles, though he won't admit it.

I hope I answered all of your questions! If not, feel free to ask more~ ^.^)/

Oh my! Of course you can, Sowainne! It's not everyday I get to see a fanfic of my charavters >///< it's almost 1AM over here though so it will take some time for me to answer later in the morning~

Hi, yohanlove!
The short summary is: I've separated from my husband for around a year now. Problems with ex-mother-in-law and my ex-husband couldn't become the midman, he takes his mother's side & chaos ensued. 

But the good news is I'm actually thriving now after we separated x'D I also still believe in love so yup, all is good!

Yup, everything is doing okay--I just hope I can get a break from office work before we start on a new project x'D

And thank you, ~Y U U~! I'm very happy to hear you like the background ^////^

I'm very glad to hear it worked and you're enjoying yourself, Bouki! >///<

Lol, it's truly not an understatement that we're growing up together by now. I truly am a lucky person to have so many people watching my back & supportive throughout my ups and downs QuQ

And you moved overseas? You're very brave! That's a huge step to being independent, I hope things are going well for you~

Please take care, eat your meals, don't forget to rest, and if you need me I'll be here!



Hi, Drakona666! Thank you for your love and support -^.^)/

You can go with whatever order you prefer, the most important thing is you enjoy yourself! But if you ask me, my recommendation would be: Kahlil>>Guntur>>Arya>>Antagonist!

Oh noooo, there goes my to-read-list. It's getting longer and longer x'D

Awww, thanks ~Y U U~!
As a wise man once said, better late than never! I'm really glad you like it >///< I'll continue to do my best!

(1 edit)

Thanks, Bouki!
I have goldfish memory so please excuse me for my forgetfulness x_x but I do know there are many of you who have commented on Lemmasoft & while there are less now, I'm sure many are still watching me silently behind the bushes! 

If you cannot open the game in mac, have you tried right clicking Show package contents>Open folder> open MacOS> click the game's name?

The interesting thing is Elseth also have the same problem as you. His/her exact words were "My Mac is M1, and I think the market build dont work in M1 (Right now, I'm playing with a very old windows laptop). I think it has to do with the market build and my mac architecture. M1 and M2 macbooks dont use the Intel Architecture, they use ARM if I'm not wrong. I notice that market builds dont work in M1 whenever i publish a game as well, so i always choose to build windows, linux and mac separately in renpy"

Now the sad news is my Macbook pro 2012 have died so I can't test the latest build on macbook T_T I'm really sorry, let me try making a separate file for mac right away!

UPDATE: I've uploaded "NusantaraBermuda FULL GAME 1.4.4 Ver. MAC", please try it~

Thank you, Averxy!
It's all thanks to the many support I've been receiving QuQ)/ my proofreaders, my Indiegogo pledger, my patrons on Patreon, and of course, my lovely supporters on! Thank you for the hard work, everyone!
And no problem at all! I know there are lots of you who have been watching me behind the bushes, it's one of the things that motivated me to update every Monday~ 

Take your time and have fun! I look forward to hear your thoughts and I will be here if you need me <3

Whoa, congrats, RenaiPro! Take your time and I hope to hear your thoughts later~ ^.^

Hi, donii00x!
Thanks for asking, the gameplay varies for each person since it depends on your reading speed.
But personally, I think 3 days is a good average gameplay for 4 routes ^.^)/ my suggestion is to take your time and have fun~

Thanks, Elseth!
Yes, we're literally growing up together and it makes me happy to see we're not losing our inner-child ^///^ let's keep working hard and have fun together!
And yup, I have plans for my next project, but there are lots of things for me to do first, like fulfilling my Indiegogo's pledges & publishing Bermuda on Steam, so stay tuned <3

Thanks, Seraiden!
I had a wonderful birthday, it's just that I feel like I haven't had enough sleep x'D and there are lots of webtoons I'd like to read! So thank you for being so understanding <3

Hi, SolVerlitz!
Omg, you don't know how relieved I am when I read your comment >_<
Throughout the years of development, Bermuda has been such a joy to make, but I was also constantly worrying whether I've improved enough or whether I can reach my supporters expectations--I was afraid to disappoint you, hence I checked & proofreaded the scripts multiple times.

Personally, I think I still have rooms for improvement. However, even with its flaws and strengths, Bermuda will always be something that I can proudly & fondly talk about ^///^ because thanks to it, I'm able to meet lots of kind people who has supported and loved my work through so many years!

It's still quite far in the futures for my next work, since I still need to fulfill Indiegogo's pledges (exclusive wallpaper & sketches). I also want to publish it on Steam so yup, my plate is quite full right now! x"D But I will continue to improve  myself, so stay tuned and I hope to see you again in the future <3



Awww, thanks mif4n! *blows the candles
Yes, there are lots of masterpieces I need to see and take notes from! >u<)/ 

Thank you as always, princessbarb21! <3
Still have lots to do before I can move on to my next project but I'm fired up! x'D Stay tuned and I hope you're doing awesome over there! Don't forget to take some rest though~

Thank you, StarburstSky!
OMG, please take your time and thank you for being so patient with me through the years and when I was fixing the bugs >_<

I look forward to hear your thoughts, but if you need me, I'll be here!

Thanks, KrisAkane! >///<
And no problem at all! Please take your time--it's still a bit far in the future though. I still need to finish the exclusive wallpaper and sketches for the Indiegogo pledges. Then, I will have to check out Ren'Py's newest steam library & will probably have to update my Ren'Py to the newest version... I can only hope there will be no errors popping up in the newest version Q_Q 

Afterwards, I will need to prepare banners & images for steam achievement system + testing steam codes again like I did with Winged Ones, so yup, it's still quite far in the future >_<;

And yes! 2018 sounds right, holy cow. We're really here now in 2024, aren't we? x'D

Thanks for being so understanding, RenaiPro!
Please take your time and if you need me, I'll be here =^.^)/

(1 edit)

Hi, RenaiPro! Thanks for asking and for your continuous support!

Yes, itch io provide the card option but it's only by using stripe and unfortunately, stripe doesn't have Indonesia region when I went and tried register, so paypal will have to do for now x_x 

Hi, Yami Meian!
You're welcome and thank you for dropping by to report this! -^.^)/ I'm really happy and I'll take all feedbacks you can give me~
Unfortunately, I still cannot find the error in the script coding & the only solution I can give you for now is to pick the other task in order to bypass it :') 

Oh but the good news is:
the first person who reported this bug, suddenly solved this bug after the 1.4.4 update. I don't know how this happened, maybe Ren'Py is messing with us? x_x I'll keep you updated!

Thank you for being so understanding, Bioras! ^///^ <3

(2 edits)

Oh, if you're asking about what stat corresponds to the antagonist, no there is no stat so you can pick whatever & enjoy it ^.^

P.S. Please put SPOILER alert >_< and if you can, please minimize spoilers by not using the antagonist's name. Simply say "The antagonist's route" instead of his name :'D

(1 edit)

Hi, Bioras!
First of all, you're almost finished with all 4 routes, yes? You've come a long way! Thank you for giving me a feedback -^.^)/
I completely understand your frustration. The antagonist's route, while it's shorter than the other routes, it's the most difficult one. It has many traps and you can suddenly get a bad ending if you pick the wrong choice. But one thing I'll admit is the puzzles are supposed to be hard/a challenge for the readers. The first 3 will feel like they're preparing you/train you to get used to it. The 4th and the 5th are the final challenge. The mirror will always break twice in the plot and you cannot save your progress. They are intended so don't worry, you're not alone, everyone must go through it if they want to complete the antagonist's route! The more you work hard, the sweeter the fruit of labor, right? ^///^ but yes, I admit this is not for everyone...  

The 4th and 5th puzzle are inspired from something called 'milk puzzle' (a puzzle entirely made of white pieces), and to be honest, I did consider making an all black puzzle pieces, but I decided against it since it'll be too hard @@ I also tested them with all of my patrons on patreon and adjusted the difficulty level several times in the process. 

Therefore... I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable and frustrated, but I don't have any plans to change it T_T
Some tips I can give you is: 
- Finish the mirror part first
- Imagine a grid on the right side of the puzzle. Click & drag towards the mirror according to the grid, so if you grabbed one, you'll be able to see it on the mirror!
- Once you grabbed a black piece, try putting it on the empty spaces. It should automatically click into place when it's close enough. Do not put black pieces on top of each other! Because the system will have a hard time recognizing which pieces and it will disturb the automatic click into place

I hope it helps and I wish you the best of luck!
Please take your time and take a rest if your eyes are hurting Q_Q


You're welcome and thanks for the concern, ~Y U U~! ^///^
Work has been busy but I'm enjoying myself! Fixing bugs means I'm improving Bermuda for you so I'm eager for it!

Ikr? :')) I hope this gremlin doesn't mess with too much people. Thanks for the heads-up, Seraiden! I'll go check my DeviantArt now!

(1 edit)

Yes, this is very strange!
I also checked for typos and compared the Laundry's codes to the other tasks, but they're all the same... I honestly don't know what Ren'Py wants from me :') 

I can send you a video recording of me going from Day 126 -128 to show that I have no problem when Laundry fails--add me on Facebook (Cecilia Sabrina Susanto), or give me your email maybe?

I do apologize for the inconvenience T_T I truly am confused

Hi, princessbarb21!
Yes, someone also get the same bug and said this only happens when Laundry fails on Day127. The funny thing is I tried to replicate this bug but nothing happens to me ^^; there's also no error pop up so I'm honestly confused. But from what I heard, you can bypass it by doing other task or succeed Laundry! I hope that helps, princessbarb21!

Thank you for giving a more detailed solution, KSR1! ^.^)/

I'm glad to hear that it's solved and that is a good idea, KSR1! I'm also planning to post smth since today is Monday, while we're at it, I'll use this chance to encourage more people to report bugs/if they have any feedback for the game ^.^

Ok, yes, once again I apologize for the convenience! I truly feel bad for making you re-do Kahlil's Route >_<;
I honestly don't know why the AppData is not appearing in your PC, I also don't use cloud so I lack the knowledge about this...

Thank you for reporting this problem, if I see another person having the same problem & found another solution, I'll let you know!

(2 edits)

Yes, from what the log says, the persistent data loaded without trouble, For now please check if the skip button remain 'grey' or not after Day 17 passed (Or take note when the skip button becomes light again). Honestly, if you can skip pass the Prologue, it should be fine because you've done things correctly @@ now I'm confused haha. 

The highest probability is because RenPy think Day 17 is special and have something new you have to see in there OR you can go to settings >>> "Skip Messages" and tick 'All messages' to forcefully skip through a scene. But this is with the risk of skipping through a sentence/scene you haven't read

With that said, I do apologize for the inconvenience m(_ _)m

Aah, I see! That makes sense!
I do hope you can find a solution, KSR1. Thank you for being so patient and cooperative through all of this ^///^