Thanks for playin' and for the feedback.
I'm definitely goin' to keep on workin' on this game until I feel it's "complete" within these upcoming Jams. Still quite a bit of a long way to go, but I feel I'm gettin' closer.
The direction I wanted the game to go in was a mix between a beat-em-up that has level-up mechanics (like Star Wars Jedi Power Battles and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) and a first person adventure game with 'detective' style mechanics akin to most point-and-click dungeon games (like Elder Scrolls 1 and 2, Shining in the Darkness, Phantasy Star 1, and yeah SMT 1 and 2). All the while being Split-Screen Couch Co-op, even in the first person areas, where both players have their specific 'jobs', to keep up their respective façades, and their own investigations throughout the city.
Might be too ambitious right now for my talents alone, but it's somethin' that I've wanted to make for my best friend and me since the above referenced games were our shared childhoods.