What in the world :D
Initially I was a bit confused by seemingly not being able to pick up/place drinks on the counter on the first night - perhaps it was a bug? So I fended off all the offenders with my scratchy-scratchy claws (?) and kept on brewing... Then the second night - a-ha, drinks, now I can satiate my customers! Marvelous. Not bad, good, okay, I think I got this.... Alright, vampires are a bit of a problem, but I can deal with that... Mummies?.. Oh lord, these parchment-wrapped monstrosities are PARCHED! OH LORD OH PLEASE NO STOP CLIMBING OVER EACH OTHER I GOT DRINKS RIGHT HERE BUT I ONLY HAVE TWO HANDS!
Got all the way past Night 8 and then I sort of had my fill. The game is very well executed, it taps into the spirit of Undercooked with sublime finesse without requiring you to have a spouse, or friends... Solid. Expand/rework the brewing system, add different stages, maybe local co-op (which, with controller support, should enable over-internet co-op via Steam facilities?) - and honestly, ship it. It's worth it.