Music is fine. Title splash is great. I’m unsure if the missing-texture for the head of the staff is intentional. Combat mechanics are interesting, though I struggled with the snails. Hover over information is generally good also. I had a lot more trouble with the puppies though - eventually you run out of AP for Salt Cure and they just howl at you. Played until I got knocked out by dog about two dozen times or so, since I couldn’t get to the next map. Overall an enjoyable game though.
There’s a slight lack of feedback in some interactions - most notably for buttons and objects that have no hover-over text - so they don’t appear to react when you mouse over them. It’s generally a minimal issue, though, but it’d likely improve how the game feels - in addition to highlighting glass vials when dragging spirits into them.
The ground hintboxes stay in the world so reappear whenever you walk over it.
The instructions given for higher residues are a little unclear - it implies you can drag elements on your table directly onto the enemy (or the residue you want to combine with). I although thought perhaps that since combining residues removes all stacks I could make a bigger stack to deal more damage - but after several attempts I found this wasn’t the case. There’s no real feedback here to figure that out easily. You also realise very quickly that higher material attacks just aren’t as great for attacking the resonance meter as a couple of cheap attacks that require less elements and deal less actual power damage. This seems to make the Morph Ferret and Bombardier Beetle much less useful.
There was some slight railroading with the snails - because I was having issues with capturing them, I wanted to find another Earth attack that dealt less damage so I headed west, but was told I had to capture the snails. I feel like there’s a really missed game interaction opportunity here you could work with.
I noticed the notes were unsorted - or rather, they are simply listed in the order you collected them. It might be worth having them sorted since the books are numbered.
The dog’s gaia howl hits for for 3~5x 40~60 damage, dealing anywhere between 120 and 300 damage (KO’d after 4~8 attacks). No amount of Salt Cure & Fly seems to work. There’s also Purify/Whip/Fly but that deals too much power damage and you get knocked out at roughly the same point. Hydrate doesn’t really work against Gaia Howl either. This seems rather luck based, unless I’m missing something obvious.