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Hey Aric... wtf is this crystal thing.

Also, is the stretchiness trait maxed at 2? If not, how can it be raised?

It is an interdimensional Crystal with magical properties that you may be able to learn to harness and control for your own nefarious means. The realtor didn’t tell you when you bought the Mansion?

It should be able to be raised (for now) by breeding two slaves with that trait together, which should increase the trait level of their offspring. New Slaves should Max at 2, beyond that has to be bred (to level 5). There may be other ways to do that coming up in future versions.

I thought the story was that we inhereited the mansion?

Do slime girls come naturally with that maxed out? Cause they should.

Yeah, the realtor was a joke. But why do you think Slimes should be maxed?

...because they're stretchy?

(1 edit)

I always pictured them as more slimey. Lol, sure thing, that can be added

Edit: Set Slime Pliability/Elasticity to natural max (5), though they can be enhanced further via the traits. Fixed in v.9