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Nice game with a good tutorial. A bit easy in my opinion, and I never once had to really care about my operation points. I noticed that it is possible to stack intel, by moving intel on a tile already filled with intel, and then when moving them simultaneously into the north, only one point gets consumed and the other needs to be taken one step into the south and back north. I also would suggest to make it impossible (or more expensive?) to move intel multiple tiles per turn, as it is pretty weird to have information basically teleport within a single turn by moving it like six steps at once. I also was unable to read the end screen, as the last battle window, with victory for the unions, blocked it, and when I wanted to press away that menu, the game reset to the title screen. Not sure if that was an oversight or a bug I've found.
Because of the overabundance of operation points, it was very easy to just about half of the centers and have the other half spy, and then open a path for all the intel to flow. Afterward switch centers.

Hi, thanks for the suggestions. One of the issues I definitely had was that I didn't really have the time to balance everything. Like the operational points. I did originally have a limit to how many moves you could do with the intel, but since some of the battles happened so quickly after each other it made winning really difficult. So instead of balancing that, I decided to remove it and hope the cost of moving the intel would be act as a limit. I'm not sure what happened with the end screen. I've been trying to replicate it and I can't figure out why it did that. Maybe something to do with screen sizes? I'm not sure.  Thanks for playing.