Well made!
Very smart way to implement a tutorial!
Mechanics were simple and very easy to understand.
Puzzles and level design Excellent! <3
I had 2 issues.
1. Camera - I know that this is a 3D environment and it looks great as it is but running out of a platform, or jumping int a wall was a standard practice for me :P. I am not saying that you need to increase the FOV for the game but maybe you could make it adjustable with an ortohraphic camera as max? (I know that is not something you think of during the game jam)
2. Air movement controll - very subjective topic but for me falling between walls was the hardest obstacle there was... Did you play/watch trackmania by any chance? There is something called air break which stops your car from rotating when you press break while in the air. Maybe adding a way to stop horizontral movement by pressing the opposite movement button (eg. A when going right) while in the air would make it more controllable?
Very smart way to implement themes!
Good job!