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A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Lovely little puzzle game with cute art!
Sometimes it was hard to figure out which rock I am actually pushing while on the flipside - maybe colorcoding them would help a little?

Good entry, Good job!

Neptune for the win!

Very cool idea! I was wondering on making some kind of billard remake game but this one is fantastic!
Simple gameloop, simple upgrades, fun game!

Nicely done!

(1 edit)

The game is just amazing.
Like WOW!? In 4 days!?
I cannot give you any constructive feedback as I am just shocked, sorry.

Simple yet well executed and addivtive gameplay making you wanna play that 'one more time' :D
Good job!

My rekord is 52... and I realy tried... What am I doing wrong? 😭

Changing the level layout depending on scaling assets in it!? Great and well executed idea!

Crashed few times when scale broke but thank you for letting me continue from selected level in main menu!

One very important thing I was missing the whole game is... characters nose :P

Good job!

Interesting way to level up in this genre! I like it!

I tried all 3 weapons builds (I think getting double of the same is the way to go since you have a better chance for a good upgrade) but only machinegun seemed like a valid option, rockets were hard to aim , and shootgun... I thought it would be a multitarget weapong (piercing) but it just oneshoted 1 enemy and all the bullets were gone.
So! Machinegun it its, with this one I felt the best, it did what I expected it to.

Also thank you for the movement speed upgrades!!!

I think in such tight places player should be able to pass through enemies tbh, I got swarmed multiple times and I could not escape nor kill them. I feel like I should be able to decide 'Ok, I know I'm going to take damage goingh through them but this is the only way I can escape right now'.

Overall very good game with good upgrade system and very nice polish.

We went for similar games I feel like we both went the opposite direction with the upgrades :P
In yours I get upgrade every 5-10 seconds, in mine you almost feel like you get none xD
If we meet in the middle our games would be perfect!

But with all seriousness! I know how balance can be hard to achieve especially in 2 days.
I really like the portal upgrade system! That you need to navigate the level so that you take portals into consideration! Very smart design!
But that upgrade pop-up every 10 seconds was killing me! Let me play the game!
Maybe adding less frequent but more powerfull upgrades could balance things out a little?

Good job submitting such a complex game in 2 days! Did you even sleep?

First of all great puzzles!
Awesome theme implementation! Build shapes out of the scaled blocks! Can you do better!?
Music, sfx, art, menu transitions, the game is so polished!

If I can suggest any improvements that would be a hint system with a button that triggers a flickering/pulsating shadow of a shape that needs to go there and there. (Hope you understood xD)

Overall solid entry, I think the best puzzle entry in the jam!

Movement felt realy nice and responsive!
I see that you went with 'sticky wall' and used it as a mechanic :P
Scaling felt good but I did not see a purpouse of the middle size.
I either went super big for high jumps and faster movement or super small for squeezing in tight spaces.
Maybe adding different mechanic for each size would solve this issue and make the game a little more interesting ;)

Overall cool short game with clear goal and well executed theme mechanic.

Yeah we know... :P

Abilities are a random drop from enemies so you need to kill them.

And every 3rd stage you can select a better ability (just need to survive long enough)

Thanks! I am very glad you enjoyed it


Cool puzzle game but definitely needs some more polish.

Rooms feel empty but I know that level design is hard and for 4 days the only thing you are thinking about is to make them functional, not pretty ;P
Character model and texturing is amazing! (Itch cover render <3) As a 3D modeler I admire people who can do such an amazing job for a jam. Tho run animation felt a little stiff. But man! Vaulting animation!? Really well made.

A good base for a game that can be easily expanded.
Also I really enjoyed vaulting over small boxes :P

Note from my gf:
"When you gonna rate them tell them that the music is awesome!"
So here you are :P

It's not that you suck!
It's that we did not have much time to balance things out!
We are working on improvements so maybe after the post jam patch you can enjoy it a little more :D

Auto Aim/Shoot is part of the genre and more important thing is that my girlfriend has problems coordinating mouse and keyboard so that feature is for her :P

I guess you cannot please everyone ;)

Paradise!? Even for me this is hard! :P

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the kind words but we know it still needs some improvements that we are working on!

100 right!
Hitboxes already adjusted in the postjam patch version.
Ability system/UI definitely needs some love.
Dodge! - very good topic! I am thinking about adding some upgrades to dodge itself (something like Hades)

Please do not break restart mechanic! That is cheating :D

Thank you for an honest and constructive feedback!

What a peaceful experience!
Music is just amazing!
The simple shapes and great color palette make the game looking awesme!

Great job!

Satisfying for sure!
Fits the theme pefrectly!
I was spamming 1st tower over and over again and that seemed to be the valid strategy :P

So 1000 is the limit? :D

Nice and polished game

Why so short!?
Very nice touch that in the level with falling block the 1st one is falling on its own! - Good level design

Nice entry, would play more!

(1 edit)

Returned to stars!
Really intuitive optimization proces, clever behavior system, art was amazing and the music felt so well fitted for the game!
I wish there was an option to see what current critters do tho

Great entry!

Such a fun idea!
Manipulating numbers is very clever way of upgrading your character!

I got few issues, game kept playing while I was deciding on which upgrade to take (was that intentional?) and invisible walls... killed me few times.

Overall solid game! Great job!

Toonpolar with another hand made game!
I love your traditional way of making stuff!
Game itself would need a little poslish, especially the movement which feels floaty.

Other than that again good job on your submission!

Very good point! Gotta think about how to balance that out.
For now there are 2 differences:
1. When you shoot enemies, there are less of them trying to get you
2. You get upgrades only from killed enemies, you wont get them when the level ends

Active ability slots are broken saddly, they do expand when you level up or when you add an +Extra slots upgrade but only 10 of then will be shown on screen :(

And yeah, restart button does not work properly :(

Thank you for playing!

ohh you little....!
How dare you exceeding my achievements!

We definitely need to balance the upgrades so orbs and auras are also a viable strategy but I am glade you liked the variety!
Thank you for playing

Great visuals and equaly good sound design!
I wish I could see what is in front a little sooner but I guess you wanted to fit 3 kaijus on the screen?
So maybe the solution would be to just pack them in a little? So that they're more like a flock running together than one behind the other.

Anyway it was a fun little experience!

Got it!

The tutorial is so long yet so helpfull!
Little tasks that guide by the hand are nice but you know making 1/2/3/10 is the same proces so 10 is a little too much ;)

Great theme implementation!

I found it very hard to aim and shoot.
But got the highground and then it was a little easier :P

Cool little puzzle platformer!
Overall mechanics are great! Momentum idea is very clever.
But this weird camera snapping when starting to move or when chanigng the direction... I think I got motion sick xD

Overall very well made!

Movement feels great!
And potential for the puzzles is great!

Saddly I got stuck on 3rd level no idea what to do next:

Cool idea for the theme implementation!
I can only imagine how hard it is to implement a working factory system in just 4 days
I think I've completed it!

I mean!
It is so polished! Game looks, sounds and feels amazing!
Combo system is such a smart and satisfying mechanic!
Theme is on point!

Good job!

Still need to balance things out so Orb or Aura builds are a viable strategies ;)