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Sorry for the dozen days late reply, my net has been F'd UP since this seasonal storm rocked us like a hurricaine. (Not a real one, but still...)

You get the Lockpick by going to the house of the guy in the jail, his house is in the slums, do NOT go straight down the alley way if you are warned not to, or you WILL be killed. Take the side road and enter the shabby shack in front of you. You check the table, finding the tinder, which is basically matches for lighting candles and torches and stuff.  There's also a fruit you can check to get a side quest for the doctor. After you've got the tinder, go up the ladder on the back wall of the house, and then use the tinder to light another candle. If you want to, read the letter, but it doesn't really do anything as far as I can tell. Under the bed there's a box, open it and grab the lockpick. Once you've got it, go directly to the wine cellar, and get the wine bottle, then go to the jail, and after meeting the red head again, leave the guy locked up and go to bed. If you decide to free him, he gets possessed/goes crazy and kills you. You HAVE to get the wine THAT NIGHT or you'll miss out on Molly.

Again, sorry for the late reply, but I hope this helps. Take care everyone, and please fap responsibly, you filthy perverts! <3 XD