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Wow, I really enjoyed the title screen music! It's eerie and yet calming at the same time. The cutscenes are also really cool!

I share the sentiment of the others regarding the tutorial and grinding, so I'll list other aspects:

I really like the enemy designs, they're definitely on the creepier side of things. I also enjoy that you can outrun enemies and if you're far enough, they stop chasing you.

A suggestion I have would be to extend the collider that triggers melee attacks. It felt like I had to click super close to the player to use it, and it caused me to shoot my gun unintentionally at times. A melee attack to the other 3 directions (left, right, down) could also be a nice addition!

Another thing I noticed is that shots end up getting caught on enemy corpses. Noticed it when I'd have a group of enemies chasing me, would kill one in the front and attempt to shoot the others behind. My bullets wouldn't connect.

One thing I'll point out is that the game is able to create the dystopic ambiance and environment that it sets out to do. Things look desolate, the creatures are horrific and the music and ambiance helps to reinforce that, for sure.

Once you implement the rebalance, I can see this being super fun. Could also introduce different enemy types, places, amongst all sorts of things. The second area was definitely very pretty!

And don't be discouraged if things didn't turn out as you intended. You guys made a game and were able to submit it, so you're already winners in that department! It just needs a couple of tweaks that can elevate things a lot! 

Keep making stuff!


Thanks for playing! I showed your comment to our artist and musician, they loved the feedback! Dispite all the issues and how sad I feel sometimes that the player experience isn't exactly what I wanted right now, we are all super proud of what we've done. You're game is super cool too! I'm working through it right now and loving it, very fun.