Im overwhelmed with the amount of content, congrats for getting it so smooth in the short amount of time :D
The music is awesome and fits it very well. It gives it a funny but still tense feeling :D The art flows well with the rest too and is also so very clean.
The Tutorial is hard to get through, but got easier to understand when i read it while in the fight. Its nice that i was able to always access it.
At some point it made click in my brain and i got it on how it works :D. An interactive tutorial would be nice at some point, but having to find out how it works slowly was fun too.
Well sorta, i kinda get how it works but its a bit much to remember everything.
Maybe giving the players a smaller deck at the beginning to get familiar with would make it clearer.
I admit i didnt read the whole tutorial and only loosely read it. For the part with the traps, it would be nice if the player gets once a hint when low on hp that he could rest/heal with it and get new cards. Maybe even with an hint to read the tutorial about it, so even lazy tutorial skippers like me notice it :P
Also a bit hard to notice was the explainations on the cards. Only seeing the effects when hovering over the card name is way to hidden. It should also get shown when hovering over the card as a bigger surface.
I sadly only got to 66 remaining, but will try again at some time and then set off traps also! :D Its a very fun concept and i love the Game idea!