Why did Itch have to ruin the formatting?
Exact Additions to make:
Line 76
## The font used for naff's text. define gui.naff_text_font = gui.preference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf") ## The font used for naff's name. define gui.naff_name_font = gui.preference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")
This is to add a hide button to the game.
screens.rpy in the 2 quick menu sections. the first is for desktop users, who can press h or middle mouse button already, but the option is here. the second is for mobile users.:
Line 262: textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface() Line 1437: textbutton _("Hide") action HideInterface()
Exact Changes to make:
Line69: define gui.text_font = gui.preference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf") Line72: define gui.name_text_font = gui.preference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF") Line75: define gui.interface_text_font = gui.preference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF") Line 176: define gui.button_text_font = gui.preference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf")
This allows the button font to be changed too.
I changed these to have more descriptive names, to make managing them easier.
Line740: style_prefix "radio" Line742: textbutton _("Default") action [gui.SetPreference("text_font", "fonts/dum1.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "fonts/KELMSCOT.TTF"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "fonts/Zamolxis-V.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "fonts/beer_money.ttf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "fonts/beer_money_names.ttf")] Line743: textbutton _("OpenDyslexic") action [ gui.SetPreference("text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("name_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("interface_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("button_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_text_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf"), gui.SetPreference("naff_name_font", "OpenDyslexic.otf")]
I used OpenDyslexic as an example font here, as it is what was being changed to, but it should work for other fonts too.
I also included changes to allow for the button font to be changed too.
In all of the naff charater definitions, replace all
what_font="fonts/beer_money.ttf", who_font="fonts/beer_money_names.ttf"
what_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_text_font]}", who_prefix="{font=[gui.naff_name_font]}"