Title splash is pretty, and transitions are fairly simple and snazzy. For some reason the ‘Q’ prompt that appeared looked like it was trying to show another letter in the negative space for me and my brain was confused about the ‘F’. I appreciate the Coyote timer and generous hitboxes. Arm colours is a nice touch. Jumping sounds a bit like a small dog ruffing. There’s lots of nice little details.
I did find that a lot of the level design seems to encourage you to look before you leap, but I found the information just slightly lacking to do in single attempts, even if I managed to luck and thin slice my way through a lot of it. The backgrounds and level sprites are mostly nice. Maybe a bit too many metal bar/fences.
Got into the lab! Generally fun to play, but either I’m missing an interaction or it gets pretty hard from here on out!
Sound sliders and a pause menu would be appreciated to be able to have some control over audio levels.
Pressing F on NPC text freezes the text printer instead of completing it.
It’s not super clear that you’re supposed to spawn the clouds under the cameras, rather than on them, so it might be possible that some people miss this entirely early on unless they experiment intentionally.
There’s no indication between having smoke or another kind of pickup prepared. The ‘box’ type pickup spawns the box correctly but there the sprite appears to disappear once it gets within the correct camera zone, but still semi-persist even if you die.