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It's going to take me a few days to put all my notes together and write out a more comprehensive review/comment, but I just finished the ???? route and I've been bawling like a baby for the past ten minutes so I needed to come cry about it here LOL

I know it was probably unrealistic to expect a purely good end after everything, but the bittersweet closing to his route felt like such a shock. In the beginning I really was not sure he'd win me over, and here I am ten hours later in absolute tears wishing he could finally have some peace. I thought for SURE nothing was going to beat the found-family vibes in the first three routes, but ???? was such a compelling character, I knew his backstory was gonna get me I just didn't expect how HARD it was gonna get me. I really was not prepared for how invested I was going to get in this world when I first started playing. 

I sound so put together right now I'm proud of myself LOL I'm red-faced and blubbering behind the screen you have no idea. I'll have a lot more to say later once I've put everything together and it's not so fresh, I just needed to come share the pain for a few minutes and ramble while my emotions are high. 

Thank you so much for sharing this story, I had high expectations already going into it, and I was still completely blown away. I shed REAL. TEARS. over this game and these characters, I felt real grief over their losses, and sitting around the fire with them really did feel like hanging out with family. 

I was missing the first three guys during the fourth route, and now that it's all done, I just miss all of them. I'm very grateful I got to experience this. 


Oh, my dear Sowainne... *opens a new tissue box & gives it to you
First of all, congrats on finishing all the routes! I just woke up and your comment immediately made my day ^///^

I don't know how else to put this, but as an author, to see you get so immersed in the story and to get invested the point of tears--there is no better compliment for me!  Thank you for loving my characters with their flaws and strengths, and of course, thank you for being so patient and supportive throughout the years of the game's production! There are a lot of messages in the story that I hope reaches you and the younger generations. But the ??? route is probably the most challenging route I've ever written. Like Rama in the Winged Ones, you either love him or hate him. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but at the very least, I hope the messages he wants to convey reaches the readers.

That's why, I'm so glad to hear you made it, Sowainne! It means a lot to me that his story reaches your heart *huggss

I look forward to read your notes or anything else you want to convey through the comments section, but please take your time! Your current comment is already enough to make me smile all day, anymore and I think I'll ascend to the heaven lol
