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You're underage


says who?


says you


When did I ever say that?


you said you were 12. Darkpelt


I’m not Darkpelt I’m Night


Says your birthdate, whatever that is


Aaaand what is my birthdate?


Somewhere within the past 12 years, making you underage


Shut the fuck up. I’m not underage 

You're 12. You said it yourself


Why does everyone think that?!! I’m not 12!!!

You said you were 12

you 12 year old

no you, honey. You said you were 12 in chat <33

Haven’t you noticed that night/nightpaw hasn’t showed up?!

By the way you're talking, you obviously are, kiddo


I’m not!!!!!!!!

You're fooling no one. And even if you weren't and you're just immature, you're being disrespectful, which is grounds for a ban



😡 🤬


if you have been banned from calichat, the most likely reason is that you joined while being underage, or you said something offensive. what was your chat username there?


I wasn't the one that banned you, so I asked the other mods about it and they said that you were in fact banned for being underage (and saying you were 12 in the chat) I also saw your aggressive comments towards other mods- being rude makes it less likely that you will be unbanned, and makes you seem more like someone that's actually underage.

I never did any of that-it was probably my brother- he’s extremely homophobic 

(2 edits)

Then why not politely explain that to me and the other mods instead of lashing out in the comments like you did here? I'm sure the others would have understood that if you just talked to them about it /nm

(edited to fix typos + add another ss)

Because they were going straight to the conclusion about me being 12!

And I’m not 12

Sorry for the late reply, just making sure I have all the facts correct before making a decision. ^^

(So you joined calichat one day to talk, only to find out that you were banned. When you asked about it in the comments, the other mods kept saying you were underage and said you were 12 in the chat, so you got a little angry at them. But that wasn't you, that was your brother.)

Did I get everything right?

Yeah. it was my brother he hates nala and he loves making me life hell

...I don't mean to minimod or anything, but you shouldn't be on Itch at all if you aren't 13

I know that. I’m 14

Then why are you banned for being underage..? Not saying you should be unbanned or anything like that because Idk if you did something wrong on the server or something, but why'd you type the wrong age?

I don’t even know what happened I just got on and I was band.


My bad