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a spammer's someone who repeatedly sends messages with the same content
for example, if I were to send ':3' multiple times one after the other, that would be considered spamming ^^

could you please explain this then?

heya folks! the spammers appear to be gone, so we'll be opening calichat back up for now :D

I never said you were, just that it's really seeming that way.

Night, you know your continued refusal to leave after we've told you to multiple times makes you seem really underage, right? This is like the fifth time I've warned you about this /nm

ah yeah, they were pretty cool!

I would suggest probably leaving calichat for the moment though, considering you haven't been unbanned + the other mods aren't very happy to see you

the moon who uses any/all pronouns? I don't really know them, but we have chatted before on calichat

neither of them were underage, just banned due to their actions/behavior here and off-site.

about zack, I can't really say much about it since we don't say others ban reasons for general privacy, but it was mainly due to him and his sibling's actions in the chat and in our disc server.
also I believe you were banned for spamming and not listening to mods, as well as the underage thing iirc

at the moment we can't, maybe nala can but they haven't unbanned anyone yet

I'm here

please don't advertise unrelated content on here, thank you! /nm

hehehe I found all the endings Tea >:D

hey, thank you so much for waiting till you're 13+! /gen

stay safe, and feel free to come back once you're 13 :D

you should be able to do the quest as any gender I believe ^^

you need to give Sparrowtail a white or yellow tulip instead as a pink tulip means you're asking to be mates :>

Hi! We don't mind if yall are nice to each other at all, and share fanart, but it has to be related to the game and drawn by you (or with credit to the artist). Most of us are just trying to do our job, which is moderating the comment sections here, as well as calichat. I get you guys are real frustrated about not being able to post unrelated stuff now, but each comment here adds to Nala's inbox and those can multiply very fast! It also makes it harder for them to see really important comments they may need to reply to. If you have a problem with our mods, I'd suggest letting them know as Nala was the one who appointed us ^^

Hi! I get that it sucks that you can't post your dragon drawings here, but us mods are just trying to help organize Nala's comment sections and keep posts and art related to the game itself. This is mainly so people asking questions don't get buried by stories or non-West Woods fanart- and because each comments adds to Nala's inbox ^^ Cutting unrelated content means they'll be spammed with less messages- and they can see and get to more important stuff on itch easier. :D

pfft mordred XD

(1 edit)

it got deleted by st sadly :(
there's a video about it on their channel if you want to learn more about it ^^

also not to be mean, but nala / mossy uses they/them pronouns! /info

you can also be mates with Redwoodtail and Lizardsneak :D

Hi Bubbleheart! I see you're still commenting on a 13+ website while being underage. I am unsure why you are claiming that you are the "nice" one in this situation as I have proof of you acting rudely towards us yourself, even going as far to joke about how it "isn't a problem because I'm mature" and mentioning a p-word on Scratch, a KIDS wesbite. 

In addition, I have warned you politely about this website being 13+ at least 2 times, on itch AND scratch. I was nice the entire time, and even made sure that I used tone indicators to make sure my tone was not percieved wrongly. I have also warned your friend Birchblaze about this multiple times as well. I bet you're going to claim that I was "harassing you", so I have multiple screenshots to prove that I was, indeed, polite to you at first. 

Bubbleheart, this is the third TIME I have had to say this to you. Unfortunately for you, I will not be as polite as I was before. You are underage on a 13+ website, and you need to leave. Wait until you are 13 to come back.

By the way, thanks for admitting you are underage in your message! You just gave me another piece of proof I can use to report you to itch staff. Have a wonderful day! :)

nala has removed it for now, so all comments there are temporarily gone- as well as the chatroom itself.

hi, a mod of caliclanrp / calichat here!

nala removed it a few days ago, though it's not my place to say why.

Ah, I see! Well if you are actually 13+ and your brother did that, I'd still recommend apologizing to the other mods for the aggressive comments made (I believe it was Quade, Mordred, and Noki you commented to), and explaining that it was your brother.  (It's the most likely way to get unbanned!) We do tend to jump to conclusions, but that's mainly to ensure everyone's safety. I'd explain it to them for you, but I'm going to be busy with irl stuff and school for a while.

yippee wwm3 got recovered!

Sorry for the late reply, just making sure I have all the facts correct before making a decision. ^^

(So you joined calichat one day to talk, only to find out that you were banned. When you asked about it in the comments, the other mods kept saying you were underage and said you were 12 in the chat, so you got a little angry at them. But that wasn't you, that was your brother.)

Did I get everything right?

(2 edits)

Then why not politely explain that to me and the other mods instead of lashing out in the comments like you did here? I'm sure the others would have understood that if you just talked to them about it /nm

(edited to fix typos + add another ss)

I wasn't the one that banned you, so I asked the other mods about it and they said that you were in fact banned for being underage (and saying you were 12 in the chat) I also saw your aggressive comments towards other mods- being rude makes it less likely that you will be unbanned, and makes you seem more like someone that's actually underage.

no problem, glad I could help! ^^

oh when I meant offsite, I meant to say that birchblaze confirmed she was too young to be on itch in scratch. sorry for the confusion, I could have phrased that better! scratch doesn't have a 13+ age limit at the moment if I remember right.

if you have been banned from calichat, the most likely reason is that you joined while being underage, or you said something offensive. what was your chat username there?

you press space :D

not to be mean birchblaze, but I've already warned you once that itch is for people 13 and up according to their terms of service. other people have warned you as well. you've admitted multiple times that you're underage, on itch and on scratch too. if you are annoyed about the people that keep warning you politely to get off itch, just leave for now- and wait until you are 13 to come back. please and thank you!

you press the keys 1, 2, and 3 depending on where brownstone attacks you.

1 = top

2 = middle

3 = bottom

thank you for the proof that you are underage! I'll be reporting you to the support team now :)

heya birchblaze! 

itch tos says you must be 13 or older to be on the site ( - and you are 11. please wait until you are 13 to use the site as there is a high chance you wil be banned for breaking the terms of service! /nm /srs


I and other mods have been reporting her, dw

ur literally gen alpha lol

sooo you have no better comeback to make than that??? that's just sad.