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A member registered Jul 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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moss-shadow is Nala

Please don't impersonate people, thanks

The game is mobile-friendly if you select the mobile option, but it likely isn't loading for you on your tablet due to how large the game is

second time I played through this ending and I'm still crying from how wholesome it is

btw mossy uses they/them pronouns, not she/her ^^

Once you have a mate, make sure to talk to them until they ask if you want to have kits- then click yes. You'll find them in the nursery ^^

that's a good guess, but he's been banned and it's actually a different person I'm mentioning this time

I'm going to be vague as to who I'm talking about as I don't want this to be a whole callout, but this person is one of the people that talked in this comment section roughly 2 to 3 days ago (at time of posting this). I saw them on the chat at one point and was suspicious that it could be them, but had no proof until they commented something here.

(1 edit)

howdy :]

since there's been a lot of drama that's happened in the past week and a certain underage 11-year old I'd rather not interact with joining chat lately (you know who you are), I'll be taking a slight break from calichat for a bit ^^ 

you'll still see me once in a while but I'll be using this time to finish up schoolwork and relax. if you need anything from me, feel free to ask my brother or in the comments. stay safe folks!

- rye

she's 12, but has since been banned

no problem! ^^

Once Sandstripe gets kicked out of the clan, you need to go to Death Valley where you'll find Limestoneshine- talk to him to progress the plot :>

Nala's still working on other games like this one, but they no longer plan to update any West Woods content like ktl anymore- it's said on one of their videos.

nice hehe
though a few people have already commented how to a few days ago

probably, some others in the disc server mentioned it too ^^

pretty sure nala knows about that already, I've seen at least two people talking about it /nm

there is one, you just have to go to the pause menu ([P] if on PC) to access it

she has around 9999 health according to the wiki

if you scroll down a bit, I say how to in one of my comments ^^

ah okay :>
so you guys aren't friends even though you said you were friends for practically years here?
(just curious lol- also I totally didn't forget to reply to this)

alright, I have just beaten Redwoodtail as well at the time of posting :>
I have used a different strategy, however.
Similar to Quade, I used the Diamond hack, but I trained till my health was at 668 (damage 4048). Then I used the egg to lower atk + feather to double dmg and beat her ^^

(1 edit)

it is done

we shall see

lol I love redwoodtail, she's my favorite (I mostly did this just because Nala mentioned it in the disc server hehehe)

I'm gonna keep how to do it vague in case others would like to figure it out on their own, but you have to talk to Redwood at two certain points of the game (one being during your apprenticeship, another later in the game). If you do it right, you'll see that right before you start the wedding she isn't at her usual spot in the log >:) She'll attack you once you find where she is, and the fight begins! (Hint: She couldn't have gotten that far from Californiaclan in such a short time...what area is close by?)
I warn you all in advance, the fight is ridiculously hard for joke purposes. Have fun grinding!

thank you kindly, this will come very much in handy

Howdy folks! There's been a bit of confusion about this, but all mod symbols and perms have recently been removed in the newest update. If you see a mod without a symbol, that's likely us ^^

We are also aware about the recent influx of  impersonators popping back up again. While we are unable to do much about this, we'll try our best to help!

- rye

(Spoilers below!)

...and so the fight begins >:)

oh lol you didn't know about that?
also you're one of Bubble's friends, right? think I saw you mention that in a comment somewhere ^^

a spammer's someone who repeatedly sends messages with the same content
for example, if I were to send ':3' multiple times one after the other, that would be considered spamming ^^

could you please explain this then?

heya folks! the spammers appear to be gone, so we'll be opening calichat back up for now :D

I never said you were, just that it's really seeming that way.

Night, you know your continued refusal to leave after we've told you to multiple times makes you seem really underage, right? This is like the fifth time I've warned you about this /nm

ah yeah, they were pretty cool!

I would suggest probably leaving calichat for the moment though, considering you haven't been unbanned + the other mods aren't very happy to see you

the moon who uses any/all pronouns? I don't really know them, but we have chatted before on calichat

neither of them were underage, just banned due to their actions/behavior here and off-site.

about zack, I can't really say much about it since we don't say others ban reasons for general privacy, but it was mainly due to him and his sibling's actions in the chat and in our disc server.
also I believe you were banned for spamming and not listening to mods, as well as the underage thing iirc

at the moment we can't, maybe nala can but they haven't unbanned anyone yet

I'm here

please don't advertise unrelated content on here, thank you! /nm

hehehe I found all the endings Tea >:D