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Heya! Thanks so much for the comment I really appreciate it.

Hahah yes the typo hurts, I also had a weird bug where if I go into gun-mode on certain places on the map in the tutorial area, whilst facing the dummy, the character just fades away out of existence. I swear sometimes its magic games are even fully functional. I'm mostly a designer, with a little bit of dev powers in me. And when we worked on this I had 1 devs who worked really hard but is currently busy with his own classes/projects. That's why I am prioritizing finding  good devs willing to join the coming time period.

I love that you like the vibe, I definitely took note and likewise, if you ever would want some design advice or think something through you can reach out to me as well. It's always cool to help out others who study games too :)
I'm not really active on twitter, but try to be, you can add me @Reyinn94

Thank you!